Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, often referred to by Christian Scientists as their revered Leader, in the first line of the Preface to her textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," makes this statement: "To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, to-day is big with blessings.
the first chapter of Genesis, in which light appears at God's command, to the description in Revelation of the New Jerusalem, which "had no need of the sun.
One of our members from a far-distant country wrote, "It is a wonderful thing to feel that we, Christian Scientists, constitute a great family the world over.
Testimonies of healing published in the Christian Science periodicals have been a source of continued inspiration and encouragement to me since I became a student of this Science, and it is with the earnest hope of helping others that I submit the following testimony.
sense would claim a loved one crucified,Help me to rise to purest love, my thoughtFreed of possession and of fear, to standLike John in confidence beside the cross—My faith so strong, acknowledging the real,Yielding this human love to the divine.
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