It has long been my desire to...

It has long been my desire to express gratitude to God for all the good that has come to me through the study of Christian Science. As a young girl I became dissatisfied with the orthodox church I attended. After some years of searching for something that I could accept as the truth, I was introduced to a new faith which taught the power of thought and the importance of constructive thinking. I became intensely interested in it, because it seemed to be the key to the absolute justice which I felt must exist in the divine plan. Soon I discovered, however that this particular belief was not for me. It placed much emphasis upon human will, human outlining and planning, and I could not reconcile this with the words from the Lord's Prayer, "Thy will be done." What seemed an unhappy experience showed me clearly that I could no longer continue along this path. A short time before this occurred, a friend had given me a copy of Science and Health, but I had read it with a prejudiced thought, occasioned by false statements made by uninformed persons. I now decided to investigate Christian Science, and soon discovered that Mrs. Eddy had been wonderfully wise and God-directed, and my prejudice was replaced by admiration of her accomplishments, foresight, and true spirituality.

I have experienced an instantaneous healing of a severe headache, as well as healings of fear, worry, a distressing skin condition, sprained ankle, tonsillitis, and severe cold. Through the application of the truth I secured employment in interesting work, and Christian Science has been invaluable in working out the problems connected with disposing of one home and acquiring another more suitable to present needs. I am deeply appreciative of our inspiring literature and the consecration of practitioners and other workers in our movement. My gratitude for Mrs. Eddy's marvelous work increases as my understanding of the truth she taught grows. I also treasure the experience and privilege of class instruction. My earnest desire is to become a better Christian Scientist. —(Miss) Bertha A. Boesch, Cincinnati, Ohio.

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Testimony of Healing
A writer in a Christian Science Sentinel...
May 13, 1944

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