term "total war," now in such general use, is understood to mean the devotion by a nation or group of nations of all its energies and resources to the total defeat of an enemy nation or group of nations.
The Mother Church Wartime Fund is being drawn upon more and more heavily as the Christian Science Camp Welfare Activities increase with the development of the war effort.
knows there are often many steps to be taken between the point where one first discerns a worthy objective, and the final arrival at the point of its attainment.
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"Church of the Air" talk over Coumbia Broadcasting System, by Walter E. Young,
A Christian Science period in the Columbia "Church of the Air" series was conducted from Station WEEI, Boston, on Sunday, January 17, 1943, at ten o'clock, Eastern War Time, by Walter E.
It is with an ever-recurring sense of deep gratitude that I recall several definite instances of protection afforded me through my study of Christian Science in the early months of the first World War.
It is with deep desire to help those who seem to be lingering in the wilderness of doubt and fear, as I was ten years ago, that I give the following testimony.
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