During the year 1899, while living in Kansas City, Missouri,...

During the year 1899, while living in Kansas City, Missouri, I attended a Christian Science lecture. I was very much impressed, and more so when I heard of the healings of various members of my friends' families. However, it was not until 1914, after I had been married about six years, that, when Christian Science was brought again six years, that, when Christian Science was brought again to my attention, I began to study the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and was healed of a chronic case of appendicitis. For years I had been a victim of constipation, and had taken all sorts of drugs and patent medicines, but I had steadily grown worse. By relying on Christian Science I was healed of this and many other aliments in a very short time.

My wife, a devout Presbyterian, was not at all friendly towards this new religion and for five years refused to accept it. Then one of our children, a baby at the time, had eczema. Many doctors were called in to a treat her, but without success. My wife then turned to a Christian Science practitioner for help. and the healing which followed brought her to the recognition of Truth. This was twenty years ago, and from that time on we have depended entirely upon Christian Science. It has healed the children quickly and completely of many so-called contagious diseases. One healing in particular was that of our youngest son, who, at the age of six, had appendicitis. I was absent from home, and my wife, becoming fearful, called in a doctor, who diagnosed the case as one that needed an immediate operation. My wife would not give her consent to this until she could get in touch with me. This she did, and three hours later I returned home and was led immediately to take my stand for the truth. When the doctor returned with his diagnosis confirmed by the hospital authorities, I informed him that the operation had already been performed, and that the child was all right. He was not, of course, prepared to accept the statement that Truth had set the child free, and said that he feared dire results, but I am thankful to say that I had no fear, knowing that "one on God's side is a majority." The healing was instantaneous and complete, and within two days the child was back in school.

I was healed of the smoking habit of thirty years' standing and have never had the desire for smoking since. Daily headaches of which I was a victim were also healed at that time, and I have had numerous other healings through the application of Truth and through the loving care and help of practitioners.

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Testimony of Healing
Christian Science has healed me of many inharmonious...
March 29, 1941

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