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Righteous Activity
CHRISTIAN SCIENCE begins its reasoning from the premise that God is Mind, the source or origin of all that really exists. Mind is thus the cause of every right idea, every good quality, every righteous activity. Further, man is the image of God, the likeness of Mind; hence man reflects the ideas or qualities of Mind, as well as the activity of Mind. Mary Baker Eddy writes (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 187), "The divine Mind includes all action and volition, and man in Science is governed by this Mind." Thus, the real man, at one with Mind as Mind's idea, perpetually coexistent with Mind, reflects continually the activity of Mind, and is incapable of aught else.
In real being, then, God's creation of ideas, including man, perpetually expresses His activity, under His volition and control. And because God is perfect, the entire creation is perfect. Hence the real man is perfectly harmonious, ever in the enjoyment of life and love, and of good that is unlimited. Real being is absolutely ideal, since it consists of God and His infinite manifestation.
Students of Christian Science have the truths of spiritual being ever before them for contemplation and guidance. And grateful they are for this, because of the inspiration these truths give them in meeting the difficulties associated with a material sense of existence. What does one find when one considers the condition in which mortals appear to live? All manner of evil apparently existing side by side with good; all manner of unrighteousness, side by side with uprightness, and, as a result of the evil believed in and practiced, sickness, suffering, sorrow, and death. The belief that matter is real, that a material state of existence is real, is the error from which all the suffering of mortals springs.
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July 8, 1939 issue
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On Doing a Good Business
"Conscious goodness"
"The illuminations of Science"
"Thou the water, the bread, and the wine"
"The full representation of Mind"
Facts, Not Fables
True Witnessing
In the "Observer" column of a recent issue the following...
Clair D. Robison, Committee on Publication for the State of Indiana,
Christian Science is associated in the minds of many...
Contributed by Lt.-Col. Robert E. Key, District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
As Christian Science healings are not faith-healings in...
Percival Vincett Parsons, Committee on Publication for the Cape Province, South Africa,
Righteous Activity
Duncan Sinclair
The One Evil
George Shaw Cook
The Lectures
with contributions from Charles C. Butterworth, Rose A. Schettler, James H. Daugherty, Clarence F. Kessler, Joseph J. Hopkins, Russell W. Betts, Ora L. Kennedy
When I was examined by the school doctor in the first...
Otto Monjau with contributions from Else Monjau
Over thirty-five years ago Christian Science was presented...
Caroline Curless Reeve
Christian Science was presented to me in 1915, when I...
Julia T. Chapin
Words alone fail to express the gratitude and love that...
Nora Helen Cullen
I have indeed much for which to be grateful
Edwin Herold Hill
I wish to express my sincere gratitude for the health...
Helen B. Valentine with contributions from Harry William Valentine
I am especially grateful for Mrs. Eddy's great love for...
Nellie A. Marriott
To Keep
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Frank Parker Stockbridge, Stanley Cook, Robert A. Millikan
General Activities Meeting of The Mother Church
with contributions from Hudson C. Burr, Grace F. Cudworth, William M. Bartlett, Mary G. Ewing, Evelyn F. Heywood, John C. Lathrop
The Day of the Lord