of the commonest foes to happiness and peace of mind is our tendency to regard the situation in which we find ourselves, as unsatisfactory, and to look to the future for the needed change and longed-for contentment.
O you
who gaze with saddened eyesAt vanished, wasted daysMay now look up and see the dawnReflecting healing raysOf hope, and joy, and confidenceIn Love's design, always.
Miss Ellen Graham, Committee on Publication for Lanarkshire, Scotland, in the
A local Member of Parliament, in your issue of December 11, is reported as implying that the Christian Science church has a different moral standard from the Christian church in general.
Lo, morning's joy dispels the gloom of night!Sing, O my heart, in joyous gratitudeFor Love's inestimable gift of light,That puts all fears and falstities to flight,Declaring all that is of Truth is good.
the third chapter of the first epistle of John are the words, "Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God.
speaking, an individual accepts Truth's sentence of freedom or else mortal mind's verdict of bondage, and the nature of his acceptance determines the nature of his earthly experience.
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with contributions from Edwin B. Hundley, Mary E. Winston, Dwight W. Sleeper, Myrtle Bradford, Payson Gregory, James Edward Williamson, Elizabeth Hartman
I have been interested in Christian Science for many years, and have enjoyed many demonstrations of its allinclusiveness and effectiveness in the healing of sickness, sin, and social and business problems.
It is with a sense of deep gratitude to God and to our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, who brought Christian Science to mankind, that I should like to testify to a beautiful healing that came to me in the year 1932—a healing of impaired sight.
then the flaming sword still guard the wayThat leads unto the blessed tree of life,And must Truth's pilgrims seek with pain todayTo reach that refuge from their woe and strife?
The Tenets of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, for the use of branch Churches of Christ, Scientist, are printed on sheets containing space for adding the application forms for membership in branch organizations, or extracts from their by-laws.
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with contributions from Edwin B. Hundley, Mary E. Winston, Dwight W. Sleeper, Myrtle Bradford, Payson Gregory, James Edward Williamson, Elizabeth Hartman