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Scientific Acknowledgment of God
There have been innumerable instances of the beneficial results of acknowledging the power of God to heal men of disease, protect them from disaster, and deliver them from danger. For instance, John Wesley in his Journal writes: "My horse was very lame, and my head did ache exceedingly. Now what occurred I here avow is truth; let each man account for it as he will. Suddenly I thought, Can not God heal man or beast as He wills? Immediately my weariness and headache ceased, and my horse was no longer lame." Wesley loved the Bible, studied it earnestly, and he evidently had been impressed by the many accounts of experiences which clearly indicate God's loving care of His children.
Here the question naturally arises, Why has not the divine delivering and healing power been more continually and consistently realized and experienced by Christian men and women? Surely it cannot be that God is selective and partial in bestowing His blessings upon those who need and desire them. No, for we read that when Peter's concept of Deity was lifted above the Jewish belief in a nationalistic Jehovah, he was inspired to say, "Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: but in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him." According to Peter, then, anyone will find his place in God's loving plan as he reveres God and serves Him by means of spiritually right thinking and living, and by working righteousness.
Evidently, however, correct acknowledgment of God and His saving power requires much more than blind belief and a verbal acceptance of one or other of the many religious creeds. Christ Jesus is our Exemplar in this as in all ways, and his acknowledgment of God was definitely far-reaching and affirmative. It was inclusive of all good; therefore, evil of every name and nature was disavowed by him in his thought and words. Furthermore, evil's claim to reality was disproved by him in his redemptive and healing works. The Master's acceptance of the omnipotence of God, good, was scientific in that he both discerned and declared the devil or evil to be merely a falsity, a liar and the father of lies only. Then he supported and verified this declaration by nullifying evil of every sort, including sin and sorrow, discord and lack, disease and death.
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July 10, 1937 issue
View Issue-
Scientific Acknowledgment of God
Striving Lawfully
"The battle is the Lord's"
Voicing Gratitude
Unreality of Time
Choosing Recreations and Companions
Everlasting Guidance
In your publication of February 10, mention is made of...
Albert C. Oakley, Committee on Publication for the State of Montana,
An article entitled "Physical Culture," which appeared...
Lieut.-Col. Robert E. Key,
In your issue of September 19 there was a reference to...
Miss Maude A. Law, Committee on Publication for Barbados, British West Indies,
In your report of an address on the problem of pain,...
William James Huckerby, Committee on Publication for Warwickshire, England,
A recent report in the Varsity gives a certain doctor's...
James W. Fulton, Committee on Publication for the Province of Ontario, Canada,
It is a pleasure to be with you this evening at your kind...
Extracts from n address by William G. Biederman,
Expectancy of Good
George Shaw Cook
Mind's Productiveness
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Guy R. Houghtelin, William A. Gaul, Elizabeth Flatt, Viola M. Worth, Gertrude Lobel, Amy Parsons, Mabel B. Kitch, Marie L. Cooley, Ena Ballantine, Lee Dare Young, Florence Forster Leach
Desirous of giving grateful recognition of the many...
Sarah Ann Mills
Deepest gratitude for the blessings of Christian Science...
Oliver S. Annable
I have been a member of The Mother Church for three...
Esther Mae Huyck
With deep gratitude I recall the many blessings which...
Lore von Renteln
For the past fifteen years I have been engaged in a...
Carleton L. Harrington
On page 135 in the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,"...
Mathilde Zetterstrom
I am grateful that Christian Science is a demonstrable...
V. Ruth McGuire
With a grateful heart I offer my testimony regarding...
Belle McClelland
"The secret place"
Signs of the Times
with contributions from J. L. Newland, Sidney M. Berry
General Activities Meeting of The Mother Church
with contributions from The Christian Science Board of Directors, Grace F. Cudworth, Leslie T. Stow, Miriam E. Loveland, Annie Louise Robertson