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The New Hampshire Weekly Publishers' Association had...
Franklin (New Hampshire) Transcript
[From the Franklin (New Hampshire) Transcript]
The New Hampshire Weekly Publishers' Association had a good meeting Friday and Saturday in Boston, but aside from the usual good fellowship and profitable discussion, the real treat was a conducted tour through the Christian Science Publishing House. The ... young man who guided us ... knew the building, and the visit is well worth a half day's time if you can spare no more. Just the woodwork itself in the building is worth a study, for there are antique oak, brown oak, chestnut, deal, golden oak, and white oak, all from England; silky oak from Australia; French and gray walnut from France; also walnut from Italy, not to mention many domestic woods. There is black marble from Belgium, tile from Czechoslovakia, macassar jet black ebony inlay from the Dutch East Indies; glass and mosaic from Germany; Vermont marble, antique starred marble from Italy, portenelle marble from Portugal, and so on almost indefinitely. The building is so entirely beautiful and so unlike a newspaper edifice that we had to keep reminding ourselves that somewhere, somehow in that great building there must be linotypes and printing presses and even such mundane things as paper and ink. And sure enough, there were thirty-three linotypes and the great octuple presses and everything that any big daily must have, but no dust and dirt and no rip-roaring reporters smoking and looking very, very tough, as they invariably do in the movies of a newspaper story. We have never seen such an atmosphere of calmness and quiet where so much work is done, for, do not forget, many tons of mail leave every day for one hundred and ten countries. We asked the general manager how many tons of paper ... were kept on hand as a rule, and he told us that at present they had about one thousand tons.
The most beautiful and to us the most amazing part of the whole building is the Mapparium on the ground floor. If you have a child able to read, you trot right down there with him during the next vacation! We have an expression "sitting on top of the world." In the Mapparium you sit or stand inside of the world and yet on it. We rather think it is indescribable, but we have never fully enjoyed a globe of the world because there is always some portion underneath and therefore out of sight of the observer. In the Mapparium it is different. It is of glass beautifully painted and illuminated, and you stand within it, so to speak, and the relative position of all the continents and countries is easy to see. Nothing is concealed from your view. Electrically operated clocks at different points on the equator tell what time it is in Singapore, for instance, when it is 10.30 a.m. in Boston. Oh, you really must take your child to see it, if you haven't done so. And any child from nine to ninety would be thrilled by it, we are sure.
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June 5, 1937 issue
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Christian Conduct and Christian Healing
Riper Fields
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God"
The Power of Praise
"Hold that line"
"Church of the Air"
E. Howard Hooper
The Rule of Christian Healing
Duncan Sinclair
Universal Activity
Violet Ker Seymer
with contributions from John V. Dittemore
The Lectures
with contributions from Leigh E. Burdick, Charles Harold Hicken, Edna Mellus Storts, Arthur A. K. Smith
I wish to acknowledge with much gratitude the healings...
John V. Selvidge
Sometimes one's consciousness is flooded with light, so...
Christiana B. K. May
I wish to express my gratitude to God for two wonderful...
Dorothy Schreck with contributions from Frederick Schreck, Sr.
I should like to express my gratitude to God and to our...
Vera Eileen Cranny
When Christian Science was first presented to me I knew...
C. Warren Phelps with contributions from Sophie Howell Phelps
Last year, as I was returning with friends from a Christian Science...
M. Elizabeth Wright
Although Christian Science had been brought to my...
Elsie L. Smith
Often our first healings pave the way for larger proofs...
Esther Izelah Tullis
His Presence
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Herbert Hoover, G. Holland Williams, I. M. P.