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Often our first healings pave the way for larger proofs...
Often our first healings pave the way for larger proofs of our sincerity and give us courage to press on and "not be weary in well doing." This has been my experience. More than twenty-five years ago I turned to Christian Science to find "what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."
Our little daughter had been condemned by physicians to a very crippled sense of life and ultimate death. The trouble was infantile paralysis. Since early childhood I had loved the Bible and to the degree of my understanding had endeavored to abide by its teaching. However, in this instance I could not be reconciled to what the church, of which I was an active member, felt was God's will. The oft-repeated statement, "Be reconciled to God's will," caused me to have such resentment and rebellion that our child grew alarmingly worse. But thanks be to God, a loving friend told me of Christian Science at this critical moment. I took the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, and began to read aloud in the room with my child. As I gained in understanding there was peace and rest manifested in the child, and within a few days she began to take an interest in the reading, and there was an instant annulling of the so-called law that had been laid down as to a total loss of mentality. This gave us courage to press on, and the diligent study of the Bible, with its new and clear meaning, and our beloved textbook, brought healing. The distorted condition of the little body was healed, and full control of it was restored. Within three months a very grateful, happy little girl was able to take her place in a near-by Christian Science Sunday School. This healing has been complete and permanent.
The next five years were full of happiness and beautiful proofs of God's loving care. Our children, though very young, were able to put into practice what they were being taught in Sunday school and at home. Our gratitude to our Leader knew no bounds, for we had indeed found the truth. Here let me say that the other writings of Mrs. Eddy and the periodicals were sources of constant help.
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June 5, 1937 issue
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Christian Conduct and Christian Healing
Riper Fields
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God"
The Power of Praise
"Hold that line"
"Church of the Air"
E. Howard Hooper
The Rule of Christian Healing
Duncan Sinclair
Universal Activity
Violet Ker Seymer
with contributions from John V. Dittemore
The Lectures
with contributions from Leigh E. Burdick, Charles Harold Hicken, Edna Mellus Storts, Arthur A. K. Smith
I wish to acknowledge with much gratitude the healings...
John V. Selvidge
Sometimes one's consciousness is flooded with light, so...
Christiana B. K. May
I wish to express my gratitude to God for two wonderful...
Dorothy Schreck with contributions from Frederick Schreck, Sr.
I should like to express my gratitude to God and to our...
Vera Eileen Cranny
When Christian Science was first presented to me I knew...
C. Warren Phelps with contributions from Sophie Howell Phelps
Last year, as I was returning with friends from a Christian Science...
M. Elizabeth Wright
Although Christian Science had been brought to my...
Elsie L. Smith
Often our first healings pave the way for larger proofs...
Esther Izelah Tullis
His Presence
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Herbert Hoover, G. Holland Williams, I. M. P.