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I wish to express my gratitude to God for two wonderful...
I wish to express my gratitude to God for two wonderful healings I have had since taking up the study of Christian Science. I had been in ill-health for nearly three years. When I consulted a physician, he wished me to enter a hospital the following morning and have a large fibroid tumor removed. I came home very much upset, because I had a great fear of the operation. I asked my husband not to allow anyone to take me to the hospital, but to consent to my having Christian Science treatment instead. I knew it had healed others; why not me? He not only gave his consent but got a practitioner for me. While waiting for her to reach our house I borrowed a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy from a kind neighbor.
For several months I made steady progress in the understanding of Christian Science, but without any apparent change in my physical condition. Then, one afternoon, my husband and I went for a drive to visit a friend in another town. Just as I was leaving her house to return, my heel caught in a steel mat on her doorstep. I was thrown down two cement steps onto a cement walk. When they picked me up it was found that my left arm had been broken. My husband wanted to take me to a surgeon to have it set, but I asked to be taken home. We communicated with the practitioner, and in six weeks I was able to use my arm freely again. No medical or surgical attention was had at any time, and I have never had any trouble with the arm since.
In about ten months from the time I first began the study of Christian Science, I said to the practitioner, "I see so clearly that man is really spiritual, not material." She replied, "Then you are healed," although no change in my physical condition had taken place, so far as one could see. I really felt that I had touched the hem of Christ's garment, and that night the tumor broke up into small shreds and passed away. The following day was Thanksgiving Day, and what a Thanksgiving Day it was for all my family!
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June 5, 1937 issue
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Christian Conduct and Christian Healing
Riper Fields
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God"
The Power of Praise
"Hold that line"
"Church of the Air"
E. Howard Hooper
The Rule of Christian Healing
Duncan Sinclair
Universal Activity
Violet Ker Seymer
with contributions from John V. Dittemore
The Lectures
with contributions from Leigh E. Burdick, Charles Harold Hicken, Edna Mellus Storts, Arthur A. K. Smith
I wish to acknowledge with much gratitude the healings...
John V. Selvidge
Sometimes one's consciousness is flooded with light, so...
Christiana B. K. May
I wish to express my gratitude to God for two wonderful...
Dorothy Schreck with contributions from Frederick Schreck, Sr.
I should like to express my gratitude to God and to our...
Vera Eileen Cranny
When Christian Science was first presented to me I knew...
C. Warren Phelps with contributions from Sophie Howell Phelps
Last year, as I was returning with friends from a Christian Science...
M. Elizabeth Wright
Although Christian Science had been brought to my...
Elsie L. Smith
Often our first healings pave the way for larger proofs...
Esther Izelah Tullis
His Presence
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Herbert Hoover, G. Holland Williams, I. M. P.