I became interested in Christian Science eight years ago

I became interested in Christian Science eight years ago. It has been my only comforter in times of sorrow and sadness. Although fear was slow to yield, I was freed from such physical ailments as severe sore throat and sick headaches, and was given strength to carry on in times of great tribulation. It has healed me of the fear of electrical storms. I had suffered from this fear since childhood. I am grateful for the loving protection in times of danger, unseen and seen. Indeed, God is "a very present help in trouble." I am grateful to our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, for this practical truth; for the practitioner who so lovingly helped me; and for membership in The Mother Church and a local branch church.

(Mrs.) Alma Puthoff, Cincinnati, Ohio.

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Testimony of Healing
It is with a heart filled with gratitude to God for His...
April 18, 1936

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