In the Bulletin of June 21 a doctor is reported to have...


In the Bulletin of June 21 a doctor is reported to have classed Christian Science among forms of modern "magic." This doctor is also quoted as having said, "Suggestion or faith may move an intellectual mountain, but not a physical one." May I have space for a few words of explanation?

Christian Science has nothing in common with "magic"; neither is it suggestion or any kind of blind faith. It is the discovery of the spiritual law of healing, used by Christ Jesus, the disciples, and the early Christians for about three hundred years. Christ Jesus used words to the effect that a grain of faith would move a mountain. The larger portion of his human life was spent in moving mountains of physical difficulties. The storm on the lake certainly seems to have been a violent physical storm!

To attempt to divorce the "prayer of faith" from a beneficial physical effect strikes at the very root of Christianity; and surely no one can say, "Thus far will God help me but no farther."

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February 22, 1936

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