I wish to express gratitude for all that Christian Science...

I wish to express gratitude for all that Christian Science has done for me. We had lost one little one and had been told by a specialist that there was no hope of rearing our other child, as she was suffering from a serious disease.

A friend told me about Christian Science and gave me some Sentinels. I thought the healings given in the testimonies were wonderful, and the articles were so beautiful in explaining God as Love that I knew this was a religion which would help me. I bought a copy of Science and Health and commenced reading. We put all material remedies away and our little one improved rapidly. Now she is a strong, healthy girl.

The first time I attended a Christian Science church I saw this text on the wall, "Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need" (Science and Health, p. 494), and I knew that if I went on seeking I should find the truth. At this time a sense of peace came to me such as I had never known before.

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Testimony of Healing
More than twenty-six years ago Christian Science first...
February 22, 1936

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