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I wish to express my gratitude for Christian Science, and...
I wish to express my gratitude for Christian Science, and for all that it has done for me, and for the fact that my mother was led to attend the Christian Science church while I was still a little girl, thus enabling me to have about nine years in the Christian Science Sunday School. In those nine years and the few since then I have been so beautifully protected that no serious cases of illness have come to me to be destroyed. The few minor ailments that at times I have manifested have been quickly and effectively overcome through the help of a practitioner. All treatments which I have had from a practitioner have been absent ones, and it has never been necessary to call a second time after work was done.
I am so grateful that due to the fact that I was practically reared in Christian Science, I have grown up in ignorance of medicine and medical terms; therefore, even though various physical ailments are mentioned in my presence, in most cases I have no knowledge of what the manifestations of these so-called diseases seem to be, and there are no disturbing mental pictures to be put out of my thoughts. I always thank God for the wonderful truth and deny that there are any material beliefs of sickness and sin which can hold any of God's children in bondage.
Christian Science has met all my needs. When I finished high school and was wondering what sort of work I should like to take up, I was divinely guided to go to a place of which I had never before thought. There were many applicants ahead of me, but I was accepted, along with three others, to enter an experimental training class which was being held. Later I received a permanent position and was there for over four years. The work was pleasant and the contact with coworkers was always harmonious. It was indeed a demonstration of Truth's guidance.
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July 20, 1935 issue
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Spiritual Sensitiveness
"Wells of salvation"
The Emancipator
Cumulative Dividends
Deficit or Surplus
The Everlasting Strain
Honest Competition
The Gift of Song
A clergyman describes Christian Science teaching as...
John H. P. Berthon, Committee on Publication for Glamorganshire, Wales,
My attention has been called to the review of a book...
Daniel A. Scott, Committee on Publication for the State of Kansas,
If Christian Science was what the writer who signs himself...
Mrs. Dorothy Hoskyn, former Committee on Publication for the South Island of New Zealand,
"No night there"
Acknowledging Spirit's Supremacy
Duncan Sinclair
Associations and Association Meetings
George Shaw Cook
The Lectures
with contributions from Edward J. Bull, Sarah R. Davison, Elisabeth Blaser, Dalbys L. Fickes, Gladys Lazarus, Lucy Schofield, Mary Pyle Spalding
Christian Science first interested me because of a healing...
Oliver L. Davidson
As I have experienced so many blessings from Christian Science...
Marie Oosterveen
About fourteen years ago Christian Science was brought...
Sophia Adelson with contributions from Dorothy Adelson Lee
I am most grateful that I have never known anything...
Elizabeth K. Briscoe
My mother, who had been severely burned, was healed...
Edward H. Porter
My mother became interested in Christian Science when...
Marietta K. Horniman with contributions from Fanny J. Bell
I wish to express my gratitude for Christian Science, and...
Shirley Weatherford Mendius
This testimony is offered in grateful recognition of the...
Lorena D. Rompf
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Thomas Anderson, E. Sharwood Smith