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Associations and Association Meetings
On page 85 of "Retrospection and Introspection" Mrs. Eddy writes, "Teachers of Christian Science will find it advisable to band together their students into associations;" and on page 358 of "Miscellaneous Writings" she says, "Be it understood that I do not require Christian Scientists to stop teaching, to dissolve their organizations, or to desist from organizing churches and associations." It is evident from the foregoing, and from other similar passages in her writings, that our Leader considered these Associations a necessary part of Christian Science activity. She evidently regarded them as indispensable to the harmonious, orderly unfoldment and progress of our movement, particularly as related to the important function of class instruction.
In the Manual of The Mother Church (Art. XXVI, Sect. 6) Mrs. Eddy has provided for the annual meetings of Associations as follows: "The associations of the pupils of loyal teachers shall convene annually." And it seems fair to assume from what has been quoted that our Leader, in establishing the Christian Science movement and providing for its continuance, prayerfully seeking, as she always did, to be directed by divine Principle, was led to make provision for these Associations and for their annual meetings as a permanent part of our denominational activity.
Furthermore, it is safe to assume that she saw the value of such Associations in preserving the integrity of our movement. Likewise she, doubtless, discerned the importance of annual meetings of these Associations, furthering as they do opportunity for spiritual refreshment and recurring reminder of the basic teachings of Christian Science in their application to the healing of sickness and sin. So, in assembling in their annual Association meetings, class-taught students of Christian Science are acting not only in obedience to the requirements of our Church Manual, but in grateful appreciation of the wise and loving provision of their Leader for their spiritual welfare and temporal advancement.
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July 20, 1935 issue
View Issue-
Spiritual Sensitiveness
"Wells of salvation"
The Emancipator
Cumulative Dividends
Deficit or Surplus
The Everlasting Strain
Honest Competition
The Gift of Song
A clergyman describes Christian Science teaching as...
John H. P. Berthon, Committee on Publication for Glamorganshire, Wales,
My attention has been called to the review of a book...
Daniel A. Scott, Committee on Publication for the State of Kansas,
If Christian Science was what the writer who signs himself...
Mrs. Dorothy Hoskyn, former Committee on Publication for the South Island of New Zealand,
"No night there"
Acknowledging Spirit's Supremacy
Duncan Sinclair
Associations and Association Meetings
George Shaw Cook
The Lectures
with contributions from Edward J. Bull, Sarah R. Davison, Elisabeth Blaser, Dalbys L. Fickes, Gladys Lazarus, Lucy Schofield, Mary Pyle Spalding
Christian Science first interested me because of a healing...
Oliver L. Davidson
As I have experienced so many blessings from Christian Science...
Marie Oosterveen
About fourteen years ago Christian Science was brought...
Sophia Adelson with contributions from Dorothy Adelson Lee
I am most grateful that I have never known anything...
Elizabeth K. Briscoe
My mother, who had been severely burned, was healed...
Edward H. Porter
My mother became interested in Christian Science when...
Marietta K. Horniman with contributions from Fanny J. Bell
I wish to express my gratitude for Christian Science, and...
Shirley Weatherford Mendius
This testimony is offered in grateful recognition of the...
Lorena D. Rompf
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Thomas Anderson, E. Sharwood Smith