On Raising the Dead

The fear of losing life cramps the free activities of mankind. This fear, being both conscious and latent, influences human thought from generation to generation, and is a weapon of the adversary not generally recognized. When to this deluded state of thought Christian Science brings spiritual light, thus inculcating the certainty of perpetual existence, this estranged mental condition begins to yield to the truth. Each step of this yielding brings pure delight. What the final joy is to be when this fear is completely routed, "knoweth no man."

All that God knows, man in His likeness knows by reflection, for there is but one infinite divine consciousness, or Mind. The belief that there are many minds is a false and impotent conclusion based on sense testimony. This testimony Christian Science robs of all weight, on the ground that the only intelligence is God, the divine Mind. God being perpetual, man enjoys perpetuity, and has no shadow of fear that he may, sooner or later, be deprived of life. This certainty, even when gained by an individual only in momentary glimpses, leads to an improved understanding of eternal harmony.

Perpetual existence, being God's gift to man, is wholly good. Evil is unknown, as is every threat to harmony. Perfection reigns in divine Life, God; and Life knows no ending, nor any beginning. Man, reflecting Life, suffers no invasion of fear, for God's law of omnipotent harmony governs him.

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The Power of Gentleness
July 6, 1935

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