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Many years ago as a little girl I was healed in Christian Science
Many years ago as a little girl I was healed in Christian Science. I was kept under doctors' care almost continually, until finally they told my mother and father that I had chronic anaemia and nervousness, the anaemia being incurable, and that there was nothing more they could do, but to make me as comfortable as possible. An aunt asked my father if he would not have Christian Science help for me, and he answered that Christian Science couldn't hurt me, so they could try it. I was taken in a carriage to my aunt's home, a long distance across the city. Upon my arrival there it was necessary to climb a flight of stairs to the bedroom. I had been bedfast many weeks prior to this. I fell over on the bed and lost consciousness for several days. When I awakened from this condition a sweet-faced, kindly lady sat beside me saying softly and lovingly, "You are all right, dear, you are all right." She was the Christian Science practitioner. I wondered, in my childlike way, how she could say such a thing, when I could not even lift myself up, so great was the weakness. Still, she continued saying the same or similar words, and then she asked me to say that I was all right. I told her I would try, and soon found myself saying it. My healing was slow, but sure and complete, and there has never been a return of any of those dread conditions. As I became a devout and earnest student of Christian Science, of course I learned that, in our true selfhood, we are always "all right," being ideas in divine Mind.
Christian Science was first presented to me in the year 1892. In these many years I have been a close and faithful student of its blessed teachings. Of course, I am very appreciative of having had one of Mrs. Eddy's first students for my teacher in Christian Science. I am so glad to be a member of The Mother Church and of a branch church. It has been a great pleasure and joy to serve in the various activities of our church and Sunday school, knowing that in giving we always gain. My prayer is to grow in spiritual wisdom and continuously to let the light of Truth be manifest through me that it may illumine the consciousness of other earnest seekers for healing. In closing I want to express my most sincere gratitude to the faithful, loyal, and persevering Board of Directors of The Mother Church.
(Mrs.) Mabel S. Adenauer, Wichita, Kansas.
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May 25, 1935 issue
View Issue-
Cast Not Thyself Down
"My brother's keeper"
Supply and the Human Footsteps
Opportunity Is Ever Present
A Sequence of Unfoldment
Pouring in the Truth
Fisherman's Song
May I have space in your paper to correct some statements...
Robson Storey, Committee on Publication for Arkansas,
It is good to read that people are beginning to realize...
Miss Alice E. Rose, Committee on Publication for Sussex, England,
The station announcer made the statement: Good afternoon,...
"Church of the Air" talk over Columbia Broadcasting System by Hugh Stuart Campbell,
"Keep thyself pure"
Violet Ker Seymer
Rejoicing and Healing
W. Stuart Booth
The Lectures
with contributions from John W. Doorly, Edith Marie Zander, Clara Emery French
I wish to express my gratitude for the great help and...
Nellie Butler
Many years ago as a little girl I was healed in Christian Science
Mabel S. Adenauer
I did not take up the study of Christian Science for...
Olive P. Dorman
Nearly twenty-one years ago my family took up the...
Alexander Horniman
It is with a deep sense of gratitude and joy that I express...
Mayme C. Leitner
I wish to express deep gratitude for the wonderful healing...
W. May Schumacher
That the truth of Christian Science can be proved I have...
Herbert J. Hicks
I Walk with God
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Philip Schaff, J. A. V. Pieters, E. N. Porter Goff, Robert Cummins, John Simon, B. J. Stecker