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Someone has well said that of all the flowers which bloom in the garden of God, none is sweeter or more fragrant than humility. None is conducive to greater joy, none is productive of greater peace. Humility is always found growing alongside the blossoms of love and contentment. It is a perennial flower, unfading and abiding. It is indigenous to the soil of spirituality, is always found in the soil of purity, and is associated with honesty. Christian Science not only teaches the desirability of humility but unfolds to its followers the Science of humility, how to attain it and retain it. As we grasp its true nature, its loveliness and grandeur so permeate our thought that all else drops away as an outworn garment.
In "The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany" our Leader has given us this beautiful truth (p. 255): "In divine Science all belongs to God, for God is All." Since God is All-in-all, He is the source of all, the creator of all, the basis of all, the foundation of all, the Life of all, and is forever the all and only of Being. His creation is the emanation, the reflection, the expression, or the manifestation of His divine allness. His infinitude includes all, enfolds all, and expresses all. His creation lives, moves, and has its being in God's infinite love, is sustained by infinite Mind, and reflects the harmony of infinite Soul. God and His creation are forever at one, for there could be nothing outside of or beyond His all-encircling love, His all-encompassing truth.
God is infinite Mind. Man is God's likeness, the full reflection of Mind. Every true idea which man entertains emanates from God and is man's only by reflection. Of himself, man has nothing; as God's reflection, he manifests all good. He possesses nothing of his own; as God's image he manifests God's allness. When we grasp these great truths, humility is seen as natural to man, its opposite unnatural and foreign to him. Humility is in accordance with the divine order; any lack of humility hides from us the divine order. God's creation exists to glorify its creator. An idea carries out its proper function in expressing its Principle. When we realize the truth of the affirmation concerning God, "Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever," we are in harmony with the natural order of being, and concord inevitably follows.
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May 25, 1935 issue
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Cast Not Thyself Down
"My brother's keeper"
Supply and the Human Footsteps
Opportunity Is Ever Present
A Sequence of Unfoldment
Pouring in the Truth
Fisherman's Song
May I have space in your paper to correct some statements...
Robson Storey, Committee on Publication for Arkansas,
It is good to read that people are beginning to realize...
Miss Alice E. Rose, Committee on Publication for Sussex, England,
The station announcer made the statement: Good afternoon,...
"Church of the Air" talk over Columbia Broadcasting System by Hugh Stuart Campbell,
"Keep thyself pure"
Violet Ker Seymer
Rejoicing and Healing
W. Stuart Booth
The Lectures
with contributions from John W. Doorly, Edith Marie Zander, Clara Emery French
I wish to express my gratitude for the great help and...
Nellie Butler
Many years ago as a little girl I was healed in Christian Science
Mabel S. Adenauer
I did not take up the study of Christian Science for...
Olive P. Dorman
Nearly twenty-one years ago my family took up the...
Alexander Horniman
It is with a deep sense of gratitude and joy that I express...
Mayme C. Leitner
I wish to express deep gratitude for the wonderful healing...
W. May Schumacher
That the truth of Christian Science can be proved I have...
Herbert J. Hicks
I Walk with God
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Philip Schaff, J. A. V. Pieters, E. N. Porter Goff, Robert Cummins, John Simon, B. J. Stecker