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As a child I studied the Bible, and at a very early age I...
As a child I studied the Bible, and at a very early age I taught a class in an orthodox church, but I was not satisfied. I felt I was a hypocrite, because in my heart I felt I did not love God more than anything else.
My first visit to a Christian Science practitioner's office awakened me as from a long sleep. I had been believing that I was suffering from an inherited bilious condition that the doctors claimed was chronic and incurable. This condition was so stubborn that it would no longer yield to medicine, but it seemed necessary to resort to other material means. This was the only relief I received for many years.
What a joyful unfoldment when the practitioner told me that God made man perfect, that God's work is finished! She quoted from "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy (pp. 427, 428), "'There is no death, no inaction, diseased action, overaction, nor reaction.'" She lovingly explained that if I believed that matter would heal me, then I was breaking the First Commandment by believing that matter has more power than God. I went home experiencing a great sense of peace. When bedtime came, from habit I started to prepare the usual material treatment. Then I remembered the practitioner's words regarding inaction and perfect action, and realized that I must be consistent if I was to give Christian Science a fair trial. I was healed instantaneously, and that was over twenty years ago. Treatment was taken up at this time also for tumors, which took one year to heal, but I have always been grateful for the opportunity this gave me to study and prove the truth.
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May 25, 1935 issue
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Cast Not Thyself Down
"My brother's keeper"
Supply and the Human Footsteps
Opportunity Is Ever Present
A Sequence of Unfoldment
Pouring in the Truth
Fisherman's Song
May I have space in your paper to correct some statements...
Robson Storey, Committee on Publication for Arkansas,
It is good to read that people are beginning to realize...
Miss Alice E. Rose, Committee on Publication for Sussex, England,
The station announcer made the statement: Good afternoon,...
"Church of the Air" talk over Columbia Broadcasting System by Hugh Stuart Campbell,
"Keep thyself pure"
Violet Ker Seymer
Rejoicing and Healing
W. Stuart Booth
The Lectures
with contributions from John W. Doorly, Edith Marie Zander, Clara Emery French
I wish to express my gratitude for the great help and...
Nellie Butler
Many years ago as a little girl I was healed in Christian Science
Mabel S. Adenauer
I did not take up the study of Christian Science for...
Olive P. Dorman
Nearly twenty-one years ago my family took up the...
Alexander Horniman
It is with a deep sense of gratitude and joy that I express...
Mayme C. Leitner
I wish to express deep gratitude for the wonderful healing...
W. May Schumacher
That the truth of Christian Science can be proved I have...
Herbert J. Hicks
I Walk with God
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Philip Schaff, J. A. V. Pieters, E. N. Porter Goff, Robert Cummins, John Simon, B. J. Stecker