A Sequence of Unfoldment

The logical sequence in which Christian Science unfolds its teaching to the seeking thought was recently recognized by a student, following a Wednesday testimony meeting. One speaker had pointed out the necessity for replacing the sense of depression with true expression. A day or two later, while the student was considering this loving and wholesome admonition, the "still small voice" whispered to her thought a triad of statements from that treasury of Truth, the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," divine Love's gift to humanity through Mrs. Eddy.

The first sentence that came to her thought was (p. 331), "Everything in God's universe expresses Him." She knew that God's universe is revealed by Christian Science as expressing the completeness and spiritual perfection of God, the creator thereof, and that this all-inclusive universe includes man. Then came the words (ibid., p. 470), "Man is the expression of God's being." The student knew that this statement referred to the real man, made in God's image and likeness, as related in Genesis and referred to by Paul, when he spoke of putting on "the new man." Then thought questioned, What is God's being? and the "still small voice" came in the third sentence (ibid., p. 481), "God's being is infinity, freedom, harmony, and boundless bliss."

At once the student knew these three sequential avowals of the truth must be a law of utter destruction to any and every thought of depression lurking in one's consciousness, attempting to disturb and harass. All depression must yield to expression as these statements of Truth operate in one's consciousness. Man, expressing the infinity of good, the freedom of Truth, the harmony of Life, the boundless bliss of Love, is utterly incapable of depression, and this man is the only man there is in God's spiritual universe; and this universe is the only universe there is, as is proved in every Christian Science healing.

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Pouring in the Truth
May 25, 1935

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