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Prayerful Solitude
Often amid the stress of human problems, the Christian Scientist loves to retire and be alone so that he can quietly study the Bible and Mrs. Eddy's writings, which, the Church Manual tells us, "shall be his only textbooks for selfinstruction in Christian Science" (Art. IV, Sect. 1). Truly, he needs this prayerful aloneness, for it brings moments of sweet renewal of the consciousness of his at-one-ment with God, a surer consciousness of good, a deeper consecration of purpose; and so this aloneness is indeed a joyous, not a lonely time.
Jesus was wont to retire to the mountains for a higher and closer communion with God. We read in the Bible that once "he went up into a mountain: and when he was set, his disciples came unto him: and he opened his mouth, and taught them." In the silence of spiritual communion he gained the divine wisdom through which his teachings grew, and which drew his disciples to him. His communion with God brought all who sought him nearer to Love and, by the brightness of his divine reflection, attracted those who were in need and were receptive to spiritual teaching and healing. His heart was full of love and compassion for humanity. To Christ Jesus, aloneness did not mean loneliness.
The pitiable lonely one is he whose thought is blinded by a sense of self so large that it does not leave room for consideration for the brother. Wherever he looks he sees only himself, his own needs, his own sorrows, his own grievances, and sometimes, alas, the belief in his own superiority. How can he help being lonely? There is no room in his thinking for more than one person, and that one, when deceived by error, not a very companionable one—himself.
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April 27, 1935 issue
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Government through Light
"The universal solvent"
Prayerful Solitude
Loyalty to Our Associations
God's Word Available
Trials as Proof of Progress
On Going Modern
The first portion of the article, "The World of Dreams,"...
John A. C. Fraser, Committee on Publication for the Province of Alberta, Canada,
The Washington Post Magazine of Sunday contains...
William G. Biederman, Committee on Publication for the District of Columbia,
In the article in your paper of August 24, entitled...
Gen. A. Kündinger, former Committee on Publication for Germany,
Your issue of October 19 contains an article entitled...
William K. Primrose,
A Moment's Prayer
It is a significant and interesting fact to observe, in connection...
Extracts from an address given by Bernard C. Duncan, before the Christian Science Organization at the George Washington University,
Overcoming Superstition
Duncan Sinclair
Mastering Mesmerism
W. Stuart Booth
Christian Science means everything to me
Daisy R. Strangeways
Some years ago I was in the company of a number of...
Lester Parker
When Christian Science came into my life I was fettered...
Carla von Ahlefeld
Seventeen years ago I began to read the Christian Science...
Joseph M. Minnie
It is with profound gratitude that I testify to the guiding...
Marguerite D. Page
Even when I was a child spiritual things interested me...
Alfred Leuenberger with contributions from Elisa Leuenberger
Some years ago the members of my family took up the...
Ada F. Cusack
In 1913, when I was about to undergo an operation, I...
Adeline Barrus Johnson
Signs of the Times
with contributions from L. B. Ashby, Arthur W. McDavitt, A Correspondent, T. F. Opie