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I am grateful for the many blessings that Christian Science...
I am grateful for the many blessings that Christian Science has brought into my life. I have had many healings of both functional and organic difficulties. I have been healed of a chronic case of faulty digestion, with acute attacks of severe illness, for which many material courses of treatment and diets had been tried and proved useless. I was also healed of valvular heart trouble after doctors had said I should never be able to do another day's work or walk any distance without serious results. On page 425 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" Mrs. Eddy says: "Consciousness constructs a better body when faith in matter has been conquered. Correct material belief by spiritual understanding, and Spirit will form you anew. You will never fear again except to offend God, and you will never believe that heart or any portion of the body can destroy you." This declaration of the truth relieved me of fear of a material heart, and I am enjoying better health today than I have ever experienced, with added strength and vitality. I am also grateful for the privilege of witnessing many healings of others.
Christian Science has given me back my Bible, which I had laid aside. I am therefore very grateful for our Lesson-Sermons in the Christian Science Quarterly. Many times I have been healed of erroneous thinking while studying the Lesson. Through this daily study I have gained a conviction that Christian Science is the truth and can meet our every need. I am overcoming fear and worry, and know that I have something on which to lean in all difficulties and trials. An outstanding blessing, since Christian Science came into my experience, is the unfoldment of the spiritual fact that man is never separated from God, good; that at all times one can commune with the one Mind, which is Truth, and which always works through the operation of the law of divine justice. I have proved many times, regardless of place, circumstance, environment, or conditions, that we cannot be separated from the love of God, which is all-powerful.
Christian Science has made me a better woman, a better companion, a better neighbor, by giving me an understanding of God and man's relationship to Him, and of how to think rightly about my fellow man.
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April 27, 1935 issue
View Issue-
Government through Light
"The universal solvent"
Prayerful Solitude
Loyalty to Our Associations
God's Word Available
Trials as Proof of Progress
On Going Modern
The first portion of the article, "The World of Dreams,"...
John A. C. Fraser, Committee on Publication for the Province of Alberta, Canada,
The Washington Post Magazine of Sunday contains...
William G. Biederman, Committee on Publication for the District of Columbia,
In the article in your paper of August 24, entitled...
Gen. A. Kündinger, former Committee on Publication for Germany,
Your issue of October 19 contains an article entitled...
William K. Primrose,
A Moment's Prayer
It is a significant and interesting fact to observe, in connection...
Extracts from an address given by Bernard C. Duncan, before the Christian Science Organization at the George Washington University,
Overcoming Superstition
Duncan Sinclair
Mastering Mesmerism
W. Stuart Booth
Christian Science means everything to me
Daisy R. Strangeways
Some years ago I was in the company of a number of...
Lester Parker
When Christian Science came into my life I was fettered...
Carla von Ahlefeld
Seventeen years ago I began to read the Christian Science...
Joseph M. Minnie
It is with profound gratitude that I testify to the guiding...
Marguerite D. Page
Even when I was a child spiritual things interested me...
Alfred Leuenberger with contributions from Elisa Leuenberger
Some years ago the members of my family took up the...
Ada F. Cusack
In 1913, when I was about to undergo an operation, I...
Adeline Barrus Johnson
Signs of the Times
with contributions from L. B. Ashby, Arthur W. McDavitt, A Correspondent, T. F. Opie