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Christian Science means everything to me
Christian Science means everything to me. I have been healed of many sickness through the understanding of this wonderful religion. I was brought up in a strictly religious home and loved church and all things pertaining to it. When Science found me I was very sick in body and often prayed that I might die, thinking that would be the end of my troubles. A dear friend saw my need and told me of Christian Science. I lived some miles from a Science church and did not see this friend very often, for I was terrified of travelling even a few miles alone.
I borrowed a copy of Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy. My first healing was of appendicitis. Some years before I had been too ill with this complaint to be operated upon. I was convalescent for six months and had to learn to walk. The doctor said that probably it would come again and that I was to be most careful of what I ate. Several times I had had pains and sickness, but would not think of an operation. I had only just known of Christian Science when suddenly I was taken ill. I was very much frightened and thought, If only my friend were here. After the sickness abated, I lay quietly in bed and the Bible verse came to mind, "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil." I was immediately healed and got up and had supper; and from that day I have eaten whatever was put before me. I have never had a return. How different from the first attack!
I am thankful for so many dear friends, for in Science we are all friends all over the world. I was afraid of everything and everybody before coming into Science. I am happy to say that I am daily overcoming this fear. Through my own understanding I have been healed of fainting fits, a dreadful cough which came every year and lasted for months, nosebleed, sick headaches, and extreme nervousness. Through the help of a practitioner I was healed of the need of wearing glasses. For the practitioner who helped me to overcome the fear of lack at a trying time I am indeed grateful. For all the literature, the lectures, and the revised Hymnal, I express gratitude. Class instruction has been of great benefit to me, and I am happy that I have a loyal teacher and friend. I am a member of The Mother Church and a branch church.—(Mrs.) Daisy R. Strangeways, Blyth, Northumberland, England.
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April 27, 1935 issue
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Government through Light
"The universal solvent"
Prayerful Solitude
Loyalty to Our Associations
God's Word Available
Trials as Proof of Progress
On Going Modern
The first portion of the article, "The World of Dreams,"...
John A. C. Fraser, Committee on Publication for the Province of Alberta, Canada,
The Washington Post Magazine of Sunday contains...
William G. Biederman, Committee on Publication for the District of Columbia,
In the article in your paper of August 24, entitled...
Gen. A. Kündinger, former Committee on Publication for Germany,
Your issue of October 19 contains an article entitled...
William K. Primrose,
A Moment's Prayer
It is a significant and interesting fact to observe, in connection...
Extracts from an address given by Bernard C. Duncan, before the Christian Science Organization at the George Washington University,
Overcoming Superstition
Duncan Sinclair
Mastering Mesmerism
W. Stuart Booth
Christian Science means everything to me
Daisy R. Strangeways
Some years ago I was in the company of a number of...
Lester Parker
When Christian Science came into my life I was fettered...
Carla von Ahlefeld
Seventeen years ago I began to read the Christian Science...
Joseph M. Minnie
It is with profound gratitude that I testify to the guiding...
Marguerite D. Page
Even when I was a child spiritual things interested me...
Alfred Leuenberger with contributions from Elisa Leuenberger
Some years ago the members of my family took up the...
Ada F. Cusack
In 1913, when I was about to undergo an operation, I...
Adeline Barrus Johnson
Signs of the Times
with contributions from L. B. Ashby, Arthur W. McDavitt, A Correspondent, T. F. Opie