I should like to express my gratitude for the healing...

I should like to express my gratitude for the healing power of Christian Science, and for all the good and harmony it has brought into my life.

Before coming to Christian Science for help I had been suffering for many weary months from chronic neurasthenia and Graves' disease. There was great mental suffering, sleeplessness, and depression, also functional heart trouble and an enlarged thyroid gland. I had been under the doctors' care for about eighteen months and was no better, when a friend recommended that I try Christian Science; and the names of practitioners were asked for at one of the Reading Rooms.

Great benefit was received immediately treatment was given. The depression and sleeplessness disappeared and the thyroid gland became normal in size. I cannot say exactly when the complete healing came. I should like to say here how grateful I am for the loving patience of the practitioners, who gave willingly of their time and service, no matter what time of the day they were called upon. Finally I was completely free, and I now rejoice in health and happiness.

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Testimony of Healing
For more than fifteen years I was afflicted with a serious...
March 2, 1935

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