I did not turn to Christian Science for healing, as I had...

I did not turn to Christian Science for healing, as I had no special ills, but it was through the wonderful healing and regeneration of my mother that I became curious and later vitally interested. She was healed of a nervous breakdown, with many accompanying ailments, after all medical help had failed.

Since studying this truth I have had healings of constipation, a rising in the breast, and headaches. Our eldest child was healed of a broken arm in two days. Our last child was born about two years after I began the study of Christian Science. I can never express enough gratitude for the sustaining power of Truth at this time. I was teaching school prior to her birth, and it seemed necessary, due to financial reasons, for me to hold my position. I was enabled to teach until the day before she was born and was away from my work for only thirteen days afterward. I did not see a doctor until the night the child was born, one being required by law in this state. He came to see me only twice afterward. He was most kind and considerate. Much love was expressed to me at this time.

My husband was at one time without work for a whole year. At this time we were most remarkably cared for. Just when it seemed that he must leave home in order to obtain work, a place opened up very unexpectedly right here where we were. So our home was not lost nor broken up, as error had claimed it would have to be. At this time I held constantly to the thought that all of God's ideas are in their rightful places and that nothing can be lost in God's kingdom.

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Testimony of Healing
All my life I had been a member of a church, but about...
March 2, 1935

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