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The Way
Christ Jesus, as recorded in the fourteenth chapter of John's Gospel, realizing that he would soon leave his disciples, tenderly comforted them with rich promises. The true comfort, expressed in his words, is a strengthening aid; and in all that Jesus said is found a tender and strengthening promise that his disciples could prove the truth as he had proved it.
The promise, "I go to prepare a place for you. ... And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know," was followed by Thomas' question, "How can we know the way?" Was this way a material course evident to the physical senses? No; Jesus plainly stated, "I am the way, the truth, and the life." Mrs. Eddy says (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 75), "Christ was 'the way;' since Life and Truth were the way that gave us, through a human person, a spiritual revelation of man's possible earthly development." We come to the Father through the Christ, Truth. This way leads from material sense, from the limitations and bondage of the beliefs of material or physical laws, and is always in the line of progress heavenward. It is illumined by the light of reflected good, and neither person nor place can obstruct or interfere with one's following it. The "earthly development" our Leader speaks of is important, and precludes any belief that we may find a short cut to the kingdom of heaven. This development comes through dropping false material beliefs and their consequences, and acquiring spiritual understanding with its healing and regeneration. We may know we are in "the way" as we find ourselves more conscious of the joy of spiritual achievement more willing to give than to receive, and to "love ... without dissimulation."
"Shew us the Father," cried Philip. How many times have we, like Philip, said, "Shew us the Father"! in Jesus' reply is revealed a truth which brings us closer to God: "He that hath seen me hath seen the Father." In other words, through the understanding or spiritual discernment of the Christ we see God; and all may thus see and know Him. Philip's thinking is characteristic of the thinking of many of us today. Through eagerness and perhaps impatience to see God, we lose sight of "the way," not realizing that only "through discernment of the spiritual opposite of materiality" (Science and Health, p. 171) can we enter the gates of paradise, the key to which is divine Science. We close the gates with false human beliefs.
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December 21, 1935 issue
View Issue-
"Weightier matters"
The Wisemen
True Christmas Gifts
God's Will
The Way
Hearing and Obeying
"The stability of thy times"
My Daily Prayer
The station announcer said: Good afternoon, Ladies and...
"Church of the Air" talk over Columbia Broadcasting System by James W. Fulton,
Full Redemption
Violet Ker Seymer
The True Christmas Spirit
George Shaw Cook
Letter to Directors
with contributions from The Residents of The Christian Science Pleasant View Home
The Lectures
with contributions from Archibald William Lucas, William Eells Ferrall, Ruby M. Moses, Clara Heselton, Wilbert H. Gardiner, Werner Engel, Pratt G. Smith, S. Edward Way
"What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits...
Grace Colley McNeal
Mrs. Eddy writes in Science and Health (p.372), "In...
David Aslaksen
In the early part of 1933 my son, aged seventeen years,...
Jessie H. K. Wear with contributions from Norman Wear
The common opinion of mankind has always been that...
Chester C. Griffin with contributions from David H. Griffin, Jane Griffin
I found Christian Science when I had been earnestly...
Thelma F. Ranke
This testimony is an offering of gratitude for all that...
Laura Ellen Vincent
My daughters and I have received much help through...
Georgia Newbegin
The Star
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Frank S. Fry, Brice D. Knott, L. B. Ashby, Emily T. Riker Comiskey, John N. Grabau, Wilson G. Cole