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In the early part of 1933 my son, aged seventeen years,...
In the early part of 1933 my son, aged seventeen years, became ill with what the local doctor said was pernicious anemia. He attended him for six weeks and then told us he must go to the infirmary in a town about thirty miles away. Whilst there he underwent treatment, and had five blood transfusions, his three brothers going at intervals for that purpose. At one of these, the case being considered an interesting one, there were about forty doctors present to witness an eminent specialist conduct the operation. After three months in the infirmary, his condition was considered hopeless, and word was sent to our local doctor to inform us that nothing more could be done for him and that we had to bring him home, adding that he was not likely to live for more than three weeks. A friend of mine, who is a Christian Scientist, sent me word not to be discouraged; if the doctor could not cure him, Christian Science could. When the report came we gladly asked for help in Christian Science. The practitioner began absent treatment a few days after the boy left the infirmary and continued it for a week, until she could come to see him. He was very weak and was wheeled about in a bath chair. Whilst the practitioner was staying in the neighborhood for ten days she saw him every day, and on leaving, continued treatment for him. He soon began to gain strength and in four months he was riding about on a pony; in another four months he was able to help his brothers gather in the sheep off the high fells. A year from the start of his illness, he returned, by request, to the infirmary to be examined by two doctors. After a careful examination the chief doctor said, "You are a walking miracle." Since then he has worked on the farm, doing very hard work.
I send this testimony in deep gratitude for what Christian Science has done for our son. I also wish to express my gratitude for the loving help of the practitioner for the friend who advised us to have Christian Science treatments, and to the many friends who helped us by their loving encouragement.—(Mrs.) Jessie H. K. Wear, Patterdale, Penrith, Cumberland, England.
I am most grateful for my healing in Christian Science, as related by my mother.—Norman Wear.
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December 21, 1935 issue
View Issue-
"Weightier matters"
The Wisemen
True Christmas Gifts
God's Will
The Way
Hearing and Obeying
"The stability of thy times"
My Daily Prayer
The station announcer said: Good afternoon, Ladies and...
"Church of the Air" talk over Columbia Broadcasting System by James W. Fulton,
Full Redemption
Violet Ker Seymer
The True Christmas Spirit
George Shaw Cook
Letter to Directors
with contributions from The Residents of The Christian Science Pleasant View Home
The Lectures
with contributions from Archibald William Lucas, William Eells Ferrall, Ruby M. Moses, Clara Heselton, Wilbert H. Gardiner, Werner Engel, Pratt G. Smith, S. Edward Way
"What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits...
Grace Colley McNeal
Mrs. Eddy writes in Science and Health (p.372), "In...
David Aslaksen
In the early part of 1933 my son, aged seventeen years,...
Jessie H. K. Wear with contributions from Norman Wear
The common opinion of mankind has always been that...
Chester C. Griffin with contributions from David H. Griffin, Jane Griffin
I found Christian Science when I had been earnestly...
Thelma F. Ranke
This testimony is an offering of gratitude for all that...
Laura Ellen Vincent
My daughters and I have received much help through...
Georgia Newbegin
The Star
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Frank S. Fry, Brice D. Knott, L. B. Ashby, Emily T. Riker Comiskey, John N. Grabau, Wilson G. Cole