of the times"! These words were used by our wise Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, in her instructions concerning the periodicals which are the organs of The Mother Church.
morning a small structure in a city had caught fire; but the firemen arrived so promptly and worked so quickly and effectively that the flames were subdued almost immediately.
the average young person of today the task of finding and adhering to the right standard of living may seem difficult, but to the one with a knowledge of Christian Science to guide him the way is made easier.
Aaron E. Brandt, Committee on Publication for the State of Pennsylvania,
Kindly permit the correction of a mistaken implication appearing in your issue of December 21 regarding the teachings of Christian Science, in the headlines of a report from Newark, wherein a physician states that the teachings of a certain cult are not different from Christian Science and not different from Coueism.
The attitude of the English-speaking press continues to be friendly, as is evidenced by the publication of a considerable proportion of the material supplied them by this Committee, such material comprising: excerpts from our weekly Lesson-Sermon, articles from The Christian Science Monitor, news about Christian Science activities and progress in general, and also "Fragments of Thought," the last-named consisting of short citations from well-known writers, always including Mary Baker Eddy.
In the Sentinel of November 25, 1933, was begun a series of Items describing the functions of the various offices comprising The Mother Church administrative activities.
A pamphlet entitled "Historical and Biographical Papers, Sketches from the Life of Mary Baker Eddy and the History of Christian Science" by Judge Clifford P.
Over two years ago I had a beautiful healing of a sprained ankle and dislocated kneecap, as well as of severe bruises, skinned places, and terrible soreness, resulting from a fall.
In my childhood I had been under the care of physicians almost constantly, suffering from some ailment, and my life seemed a big burden to me and to my dear ones.
In the fall of 1910 an aunt who had suffered many years from curvature of the spine, and who had been under the care of many well-known surgeons and osteopaths, was healed in a few weeks through reading the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.
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