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About fifteen years ago, when I was asked to take an...
About fifteen years ago, when I was asked to take an interest in Christian Science, I was very much opposed and said, "We don't want any of that nonsense here." I had been actively engaged in church work, had been a Sunday school teacher for nearly forty years, and was steeped in orthodoxy. Consequently, some of the teachings of Christian Science appeared to me to be nothing less than blasphemous. The services did not appeal to me, but I was much impressed with the wonderful way in which the two million dollars was subscribed for the building of The Mother Church extension, also with Mrs. Eddy's insistence on Christian Scientists' living in accordance with the Golden Rule and the Sermon on the Mount.
I first read Science and Health critically, and very skeptically, accepting nothing which I could not prove from the Bible with the aid of a Concordance. I had always been more or less delicate, and had a great dread of being incapacitated for my vocation by rheumatism in my feet and knees. This was overcome after three months' reading through the applied understanding that I was God's idea. The healing occurred while I was on a holiday. When I returned home I discarded all the material remedies which I had used for years for this and other troubles. The belief in the efficacy of medicine was difficult to master. After one or two lapses I finally thought I had gained dominion, but about two years after I first began to study I was taken ill again. After diarrhea had continued a fortnight, I thought, "Well, it's no use, I have not sufficient understanding yet; I must have more of that medicine which the specialist prescribed for me." Previous to my being in Science one dose of this medicine was always effective, and I used to carry a bottle about with me during the hot weather. To my surprise, I now found that the whole bottleful of twelve doses had no effect whatever. I then asked for treatment from a practitioner, and in two days was going about as usual. This was thirteen years ago and was the last time that I took medicine.
Since then I have experienced many other physical healings, of polypus, fatigue, colds, insomnia, neuritis, pleurisy, debility. But that for which I am most grateful is the better understanding of God and the Bible, which has resulted in comparative freedom from anxiety and depression, and also an entirely changed outlook on life. I am also grateful for the privilege of sharing in the activities of a branch church, and for The Mother Church, which unites us all in the ranks of a grand and ever increasing army whose object is to stem the tide of depression, lack, and error throughout the world, thereby hastening the time when "they shall all know me [God], from the least of them unto the greatest of them." I am grateful for the editorials, articles, and testimonies which appear in our literature, in which I find constant help and encouragement; and also for class instruction and the annual Association meetings.
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April 21, 1934 issue
View Issue-
Law and Obedience
"Experiences, testimonies, and remarks"
The Irradiance of One Eternal Day
Real Life
Right Decisions
In His Love
In the sermon reported in your issue of April 28 the...
Charles M. Shaw, former Committee on Publication for Lancashire, England,
The editorial in the Reporter of September 8, entitled...
William Wallace Porter, Committee on Publication for the State of New York,
In utilizing all the agencies she had set up to spread the...
Extracts from an address given by Roland R. Harrison, Manager of The Christian Science Publishing Society, at a Literature Distribution Committee meeting held in The Mother Church on Friday evening,
The Moral Law and the Spiritual
W. Stuart Booth
There Is No Fear
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Harry V. Forehand, Kathleen Mary Store Tapscott, Edna T. Mackie
Some years ago I was attacked by what was diagnosed...
Robert DeArmond with contributions from Helen DeArmond
I cannot find words to express my appreciation for what...
Anna Lee Scott
I desire to testify to the healing and regenerative power...
Dorothy Carol Wickman
For many years I suffered from heart disease, and about...
Clarisse Blanc
Love and gratitude fill my heart as I think of the infinite...
Loraine P. Dingman
About fifteen years ago, when I was asked to take an...
James Lodwick Duguid
Out of gratitude for the good I am experiencing I should...
Anna Nelson Ferris with contributions from Joseph P. Ferris
Signs of the Times
with contributions from J. C. Sodergren, E. J., Albert D. Belden, Harry E. Grant, Granville Taylor, Augustus Steimle