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The First Case
[Written Especially for Children]
MEMORY brings up the picture of two little girls who many years ago lived quite near to each other. One of them, whom we shall call Jenny, lay in bed unable to move because she seemed to be very ill. The other, whom we shall call Elizabeth, was well, happy, and free because she knew the truths of Christian Science. But she wanted very much to have Jenny know about God and His healing power which are made clear by Christian Science. So one morning Elizabeth asked her mother if she might go through the orchard to her friend's home and tell her about Christian Science and that it could heal her. Mother gave her consent gladly, and Elizabeth ran away as fast as ever she could. When Jenny's mother opened the door for Elizabeth, the little girl on the bed seemed to be suffering very much, and Elizabeth asked if she might go and sit beside her. She was eager to have Jenny well, and she knew that a Christian Science treatment could heal her. When Elizabeth explained this to Jenny's mother, she was allowed to go into her friend's room to talk with her.
It was the first time that Elizabeth had tried to be a Christian Science practitioner like her mother, who was busy all the time helping others, and she wanted to do the work in the right way. So she did not ask Jenny any questions about the trouble, and she did not spend any time being sorry for her, but she talked to her about God and how much God loves His children—so much, indeed, that no evil can come to them. Then the room was very still while Elizabeth remembered silently what she knew about God's tender, loving care that was there to keep her little friend safe from harm. And soon Jenny felt the peace which comes from a Christian Science treatment, and fell asleep.
After a little while Elizabeth tiptoed out of the room and opening the outer door went quietly home. She went into the library without stopping to see anyone and sat down to think. She felt rather sure that Jenny would be all right, but as she was not quite sure she thought she would treat her case once more. She closed her eyes and putting both hands over her face was praying very hard when she heard her father speaking to her. She did not answer because she did not want to be interrupted, but he spoke again saying, "Elizabeth, are you giving a treatment?" Then she replied that she was and told him about Jenny. With great tenderness he took her in his arms and said, "Darling, I think if you will get out of the way and let God do it, the work will be done very beautifully." And then all of a sudden Elizabeth knew that Christian Science healing is the power of God, and not of people. And then she was sure that Jenny was healed.
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September 30, 1933 issue
View Issue-
Church Membership According to the Pattern
"The brook in the way"
Unfoldment, the Result of Going Forward
"The sustaining infinite"
Business Meetings
Sufficient Understanding
The First Case
Your issue of July 3 carried a misleading reference to...
William Wallace Porter, Committee on Publication for the State of New York,
In your issue of Tuesday, excerpts are quoted in your...
Robert C. Humphrey, Committee on Publication for the State of Georgia,
As reported in your issue of April 13, a speaker addressing...
Richard O. Shimer, Committee on Publication for the State of Indiana,
I see in your issue of April 28 that there is a letter regarding...
Paymaster Capt. William H. Coomber, Committee on Publication for Bedfordshire, England,
Ultimate Harmony
Duncan Sinclair
Message and Messengers
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Jessie D. Houston, Clara M. Losee, Jane Elizabeth Harrison, Anna Cady Schuster, Maude West Baker, Mary Alexia Cusack, E. Merritt Weidner
I wish to express my sincere gratitude for the many...
Rhea M. Fourman
In the early part of 1923 I was urged by some friends...
Dorothy Annie Moore
I have been interested in Christian Science for over...
George B. Owens
It is eleven years since I first heard of Christian Science...
Hermann H. Trenne
Because of my heartfelt gratitude for all that Christian Science...
Florence E. B. Warren
Since girlhood I have enjoyed the many blessings which...
Lillian Elvira Benson
It is with a great sense of love and gratitude that I send...
Florence M. Erskine with contributions from Percy C. Ainsworth
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Harold T. Janes, C. H. S. Matthews, F. Townley Lord, Augustus Field Beard