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Practically all my life has been lived under the influence...
Practically all my life has been lived under the influence of Christian Science, as my parents began the earnest study of it when I was a very small child. My early training is cause for deep gratitude. I recall, for instance, how at my mother's knee I was taught to be familiar with and to love and make practical application of the ninety-first Psalm. Later, when I was away from home, too far away to turn to my parents when confronted with fear, this Psalm proved ever helpful, and God came to be seen as my Father-Mother in the true and intimate sense of the word. I found I could "abide under the shadow of the Almighty"—could know and understand and therefore trust God—and that in proportion to my dwelling mentally in His strength, His love, His joy, I was released and protected from the pain and suffering, physical and mental, which the material senses strove to make me believe were true. This lesson I am continuing to learn and am increasingly grateful therefor.
In all my life since I can remember Christian Science has been my physician in all illnesses that have been manifested on my body; it has given me strength and courage and hope in my efforts to free myself from sin; and it has healed me of sorrow and brought me a deep and constantly abiding sense of peace and joy. Among numerous physical ailments which in my case have yielded to Christian Science treatment are colds, chapped hands, regular attacks of grippe, attacks of acute indigestion, frequent fainting spells, influenza, and a severe case of skin eruption. My health is excellent.
I am truly grateful for class instruction in Christian Science and for the joy and inspiration of the Association meeting each year; for the privilege of being a guest at one of the Sanatoriums of The Christian Science Benevolent Association recently; for membership in The Mother Church and a branch church, and the blessing of taking a part in its activities. My most earnest desire is that I may better manifest the qualities which are given us of God, and which enable us to be helpful to all mankind.
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January 14, 1933 issue
View Issue-
On Keeping "abreast of the times"
"Count it all joy"
Right Activity
The Second Look
Seeing the Real Man
"Grace for to-day"*
In reply to the letter of a clergyman in your issue of...
Charles W. J. Tennant, District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
An item under the caption "Epworth League Begins...
Clyde Johnson, former Committee on Publication for the State of Wyoming,
For a group of persons of one religious denomination to...
From an address delivered by the Hon. C. Augustus Norwood before Woman's Alliance of Parker Memorial of Bulfinch Place Church,
Anyone who is bending all his energies toward reaching...
Arthur Hamilton
Conquering Contagion
W. Stuart Booth
On Receiving
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Thomas W. Elslager, Ida E. Kennon, Ethel Hunter Irvine, Leo Wm. Huegle
It is with deep love and gratitude that I give this testimony...
William Gordon Shaffer with contributions from Rachel Shaffer
I have received so much help from testimonies I have...
Dorothy Lunn Bennett
When I was a child, I had a disease of the bone which...
Oleona E. Cochrane
I wish to express my gratitude for the first healing I had...
Florence Flemming
It is with a humble and joyful heart that I bear witness...
Mildred N. Cullen with contributions from Marjorie E. Wint
Practically all my life has been lived under the influence...
Arcley Rayne Marshall
I want to express my gratitude for the wonderful blessing...
Margaret Trout Gregg
Words are inadequate fully to express my gratitude for...
Percy T. Hollander with contributions from Selected
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Samuel Schulman, George Robinson, Berkeley B. Blake, Frederic Perkins, William H. Boddy