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I am so happy to know that Christian Science is healing...
I am so happy to know that Christian Science is healing organic as well as functional diseases. Our son was afflicted with heart trouble from early childhood. His case was diagnosed by three well-known specialists. He was confined to his bed for months at a time. Gradually he became weaker, and there was a complication of dropsy. Tapping was resorted to several times. The kidneys became inactive, and the result was uraemic poisoning which affected the brain. The physician did all that he could to relieve the suffering. He said the condition of the heart was such that the boy could live only a short time.
A neighbor came in at a time when I was very much discouraged. She seemed surprised that I did not turn to God in my time of need, and told me of some wonderful healings that had taken place in her family. The next evening the doctor was called earlier than usual, as the suffering was extreme. He told us that nothing more could be done for the buy; that he could not possibly live until morning. The outlook was dark. The Christian Science practitioner of whom the neighbor had spoken was called over long-distance telephone. In a very few minutes the extreme suffering ceased, and at twelve o'clock the boy was sleeping peacefully. Ours was a happy household. When he awoke in the morning there was a great change; organs that had not functioned for several days began to act normally.
When the nurse from the insurance company called, she was told that her services were not needed. She said that we were entertaining false hopes, as she understood the nature of the case, and it was incurable. I was convinced that God could heal the disease.
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April 30, 1932 issue
View Issue-
Discerning the Human Need
The Compound Idea, Man
Relinquishing Error
"Christian encouragement"
Tending the Light
Application of Christian Science
Opportunity, Ability, Fruition
God's Little Ones
In a religious question-and-answer column in your issue...
Edgar McLeod, Committee on Publication for Northern California,
The Apostle John assures us that "there is no fear in...
Alfred Johnson, Committee on Publication for Yorkshire, England,
The pastor of a local church who devoted his sermon...
Joseph G. Alden, Committee on Publication for the State of Nebraska,
With the editorial "Curbing Fakers and Quacks," in your...
Francis Lyster Jandron, Committee on Publication for the State of Michigan,
Thought and Words
Spiritual Understanding
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Elisabeth F. Norwood, Stuart Murray, Allan G. Olson, Amy J. Jasper
The Psalmist says, "Give unto the Lord the glory due...
May Flint Sobey
In February, 1928, my husband was suddenly taken ill...
Ruth Widing with contributions from Wilhelm Carl Widing
After I had read the first chapter of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"...
Richard P. Young
Christian Science was presented to me in the autumn of...
Frances M. Williams
Christian Science has been the greatest blessing our family...
Madeleine A. Mackenzie
When I learned of Christian Science, about seven years...
Margarete Ecker
I am very grateful for Christian Science, and to Mrs. Eddy...
Louise C. Noble
Twenty-seven years ago I was physically a nervous wreck,...
Elisabeth M. Hansen
Signs of the Times
with contributions from George Henry, Edward Laird Mills, Martin Lloyd Jones, Charles E. Jefferson, Ernest H. Jeffs