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Items of Interest
The Clerk of The Mother Church is now preparing for action by The Christian Science Board of Directors the applications for membership in The Mother Church which have been sent him for the semiannual admission in November. Applicants sometimes think that to send an application near the date of admission is sufficient to insure its acceptance; but the Clerk's standing notice in the Christian Science Sentinel sets the date when applications should be in his hands, although at times his office is able to care for applications received later. To avoid possible delays some branch churches have found it helpful to read in their services in advance of an admission, notice of the date when applications to membership in The Mother Church should reach the Clerk's office.
Upon receipt, an application is scrutinized to determine that it is "correctly prepared" (Church Manual, Art. VI, Sect. 3). If not correctly prepared, a new application is mailed to the applicant, together with a marked circular of instructions, and a letter of explanation is written to the approver. An application correctly prepared and calling for no correspondence is acknowledged and filed alphabetically with others, and shortly before the admission date set by Article XIII, Section 2, of the Manual, all are listed to facilitate their consideration by the Directors.
For several weeks prior to the elction, the Clerk's office is a scene of much activity. Many applications are received daily. When they are "correctly prepared" envelopes are addressed to the applicants and certificates of membership are written, and together with letters of welcome, are filed in the addressed envelopes, in order that those voted into membership by the Directors may be notified promptly. Upon receipt of word from the Directors that the applicants are now members the already filled envelopes containing the certificates are checked and deposited in mail sacks for transportation to the post office. Even with all this speed in sending out the certificates, some applicants telegraph inquiries, so desirous are they to know whether they are yet members of The Mother Church.
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October 1, 1932 issue
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Descending and Rising
Appreciation and Giving
Expressing Gratitude
"Neither do I condemn thee"
"On his right hand"
"Behold, he keepeth the sheep"
Ripened Years
I would greatly appreciate space in your columns to...
Ray Birn Delvin, Committee on Publication for the Province of Quebec, Canada,
The frank and generous credit given to Christian Science,...
Robert C. Humphrey, Committee on Publication for the State of Georgia,
I noticed in the address recently given in the Congregational...
Miss Alice E. Rose, Committee on Publication for Sussex, England,
Stay On
Redemptive Judgment
Violet Ker Seymer
The Grace of Gratitude
W. Stuart Booth
The Lectures
with contributions from Arthur W. Butler, James Potter Brown, Helena M. R. Fitz
I am grateful for the blessings received through a study...
Jennie Lee Goss
Christian Science is the greatest blessing that ever came...
Louisa F. Branford
It is in acknowledgment of all that Christian Science...
William A. Jackson
Before coming into a practical understanding of Christian Science...
Marie Francesca Danforth
When I was a young girl some friends came to visit in...
Grace Dahlhjelm Dana
I wish to express my gratitude for what Christian Science...
Hilderic Edward Leadbeater
One day a little girl came to my door and asked me to...
Grace Ewing with contributions from Selected
Signs of the Times
with contributions from W. W. Catherwood, Helen Keller, Frank M. Selover, Ira D. Warner