Signs of the Times

[Mr. Baldwin, as quoted in the Morning Post, London, England]

Religion, we are all agreed, is not merely an affair of Christians in churches; it is an affair of Christians in politics, in diplomacy, in trade, in industry, in school, in sport. But, if we admit this claim of religion to be able to inform the whole of life with its spirit, that does not mean that the sanctifying of the secular has been achieved.

That there are aspects of the secular revival with which religion cannot compromise on any terms is true, and it is the truth which the churches should be first and loudest in proclaiming.... The notion that to enlist the support and enthusiasm of youth it is necessary to condone their vices is entirely to misjudge them and to forfeit their respect. The churches are much more likely to fail in the long run because they demand too little than because they demand too much of human nature....

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August 1, 1931

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