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"Even in the least"
Christian Science is the Science of infinity. It is the Science of Life, the Science of Truth, the Science of good, the Science of Love. It is infinite in its scope, boundless in its application, and unfailing in its results. It embraces all true knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. It operates according to eternal, unchanging laws and rules. It brooks no interference from mortal opinions or beliefs, and makes no compromise with finite theories or speculative doctrines. In order to utilize it we must conform our thinking to it, as it is absolute in its correctness and never makes any concessions to mortal desires and human aims. It diffuses countless blessings and spiritual treasures. In short, Christian Science enables us to enter the Holy of Holies; and it shows us that only holy and honest motives furnish us a passport to its heavenly realm.
Christian Science is uncompromising in its demands, and only the most faithful obedience will ever bring into full fruitage its gracious promises. It is the revelation of infinite Love, and only the most unselfish conformity to Love's demands will give us the vision of the allness of Love and the utter nothingness of every claim of evil. In "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 119) Mrs. Eddy has written, "Insubordination to the law of Love even in the least, or strict obedience thereto, tests and discriminates between the real and the unreal Scientist." Here is a statement that can well engage the attention of every Christian Scientist. Our Leader has given us a high standard wherewith we can test our every thought, motive, and desire, and find with unerring exactness where we stand.
Religion has for so long been considered a matter of emotion and sentiment that we may not grasp all at once the divine fact that Christianity is an exact Science, to whose mandates we must give our unreserved obedience and wholehearted devotion. Mrs. Eddy grasped this necessity in its fullness and has placed before her followers the great fact that God, divine Truth and Love, demands unreserved and unequivocal obedience. The exactness of Christian Science is what gives it its great utility and value. The belief that there can be a near-good or an almost-right can never gain much headway with an earnest, alert Christian Scientist. He therefore never loses sight of that high goal posited by the master Christian, Jesus the Christ, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect."
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August 1, 1931 issue
View Issue-
"The great attainment"
The Ripening
"Even in the least"
The Window-Washer
"That a man hath"
"Lift up your eyes"
The Mind That Was in Christ Jesus
A Child's Demonstration
God's Goodness
In an article in your issue of April 29, in which the writer...
Frank K. Poe, Committe on Publication for the State of Maryland,
"All healing is from God." So begins an admirable...
Merrill M. Hutchinson, Committee on Publication for the State of Georgia,
Your report of the important debate on the subject of...
William Birtles, Committee on Publication for Warwickshire, England,
A Song of Faith
Everyday Religion
Clifford P. Smith
Denying Sin and Disease
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Gertrude B. Reichert, Arthur Noel Shaw, Samuel A. Solomon, Florence d'Oleveno Formosa, Willis P. Truax
I have long felt that I should like to add my testimony...
Gladys F. Harpley
So much of good has been manifested in my life since my...
Pauline Flora Byrd
It is a great joy to me to be able to express my profound...
Brita M. Thoren with contributions from J. Gosta Thoren
Truly, Christian Science is "the law of God, the law of...
Eugene S. Miller
Six years and a half ago, through the unselfed love of a...
Doris F. Carmalt
I am grateful for all the healings and the spiritual understanding...
Effie M. Andersch
Christian Science has met every problem—physical,...
Jennie F. Reynolds
The Least of These
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Baldwin, W. Quay Roselle, L. C. Burckhart, William W. Youngson, Sheldon Shepard