After so much misinformation having been spread abroad...

Independence Leader

After so much misinformation having been spread abroad regarding Mrs. Eddy, it is gratifying to know that an authentic history of her life and work has been written by the Rev. Dr. Lyman P. Powell, rector of St. Margaret's Episcopal Church in New York, and has recently been published by The Macmillan Company. This book presents a truthful picture of Mrs. Eddy throughout, and gives a correct and comprehensive account of the Christian Science movement from the time of its organization by Mrs. Eddy. Dr. Powell has aptly named his book "Mary Baker Eddy: A Life Size Portrait." Although an Episcopal minister, Dr. Powell was eminently qualified to write Mrs. Eddy's biography. Besides his work as rector of St. Margaret's Episcopal Church, he has to his credit a great many books and magazine articles, and is widely known as a speaker of note. Dr. Powell commenced to study Mrs. Eddy's work many years ago, and has devoted to his subject a vast amount of time and thought.

It should be known that besides Mrs. Eddy's autobiography in "Retrospection and Introspection," the authorized or approved biographies of this great religious Leader are Sibyl Wilbur's "The Life of Mary Baker Eddy" and Dr. Powell's book as hereinbefore mentioned.

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