Six years ago I was suddenly seized with what physicians...

Six years ago I was suddenly seized with what physicians on a previous occasion had named appendicitis. My husband's fear was great, and he begged me to call a physician. About this time our son came in and, knowing that I would not want to take material remedies, offered to telegraph to a Christian Science practitioner for me. After asking me what to put in the message he hurried away. The sense of suffering seemed very real, yet I tried to know that since I had placed the problem in God's hands all would be well. My husband, not having an understanding of the truth as taught in Christian Science, although not antagonistic toward it, and being full of fear, had, unknown to me, called a physician. He came and left some tablets for me to take, stating that he did not like to give so many or give them so often but that in this instance it was necessary. My husband handed some to me, asking me to take them when he should bring me some water, but I told him we could not do that as we had wired a practitioner and could not also use material remedies. He replied, however, that he thought we could until she should have time to get the message.

He left the room to get the water and when he returned I was asleep. When I awoke a few minutes later, our son had returned and they were standing by the bed. I realized that the message had gone and the work had been done, as I had no pain. While it was several days before I was perfectly free, yet I did not have a return of the pain, and I have never had a return of the difficulty. I did not take any of the tablets, and my husband has not asked again that I take any material remedy. For the healing of this and other physical ills I am extremely grateful; but far more so for the destruction of many erroneous beliefs, such as lack, worry, and, to a great extent, fear, and for the uplifting, the change of viewpoint, and the better understanding of God. I am grateful for the help of the practitioner, also for a dear friend who has studied this great truth much longer than I, and has helped me over many hard places. I should like to express, in deeds as well as words, my gratitude to God, our Father-Mother. I have much to learn, but am sincerely grateful for what I have gained in the understanding of Christian Science.

(Mrs.) Grace M. Meyer, Harrisburg, Illinois.

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Testimony of Healing
It is with great joy that I express my gratitude for all the...
May 17, 1930

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