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Repeated misstatements about Christian Science from a...
Evening Times
Repeated misstatements about Christian Science from a pulpit in your city impel request for space in your valuable columns for correction. The Gospels clearly establish the fact that Jesus never criticized except to denounce reliance on mere doctrine and profession, rather than on genuine spiritual regeneration and "signs following" as the indication of one's religious experience.
Clara Barton, founder of the American Red Cross, said, "Mrs. Eddy should have the respect, admiration, and love of the whole Nation, for she is its greatest woman." She also said that the regarded Mrs. Eddy as "the one person, regardless of sex, living to-day, who has done the greatest good for her fellow-creatures." Samuel L. Clemens (Mark Twain) also made the following observations, as recorded by his biographer, Albert Bigelow Paine: "Christian Science is humanity's boon;" and, referring to Mrs. Eddy, "She is the benefactor of the age." It is apparent that Mrs. Clements in later life had on more mature investigation changed the views which were unfortunately set forth in one of his earlier writings. Our critic is further reported as stating that he believes in divine healing, but not in mental healing. If by "mental healing" he means the influence of one human mind on another, or suggestion, or in fact the influence of any so-called mind other than the one divine Mind, God, then he will find Christian Science in hearty accord with him. However, his further statements indicate that his view of divine healing is one of faith merely, without understanding. Christian Science differs from the view that mere blind belief, without change of "heart," can accomplish spiritual healing. The Bible abounds with such statements as the following: As a man "thinketh in his heart, so is he;" "Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind;" "To be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace;" and, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus." How, in the face of these, can one justify the assertion that there can be complete healing except through the spiritually mental regeneration which Jesus indicated when he said, "Sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee"?
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March 3, 1928 issue
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Church Business Meetings
Gaining Understanding
The Individual and World Affairs
God's Gifts
The Joy of Unity
Praise and Sacrifice
The Upper Room
In reply to the letter of "Inquirer" in your recent issue,...
William K. Primrose, Secretary to the District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
Repeated misstatements about Christian Science from a...
Ralph C. Lindstrom, Committee on Publication for the State of Colorado,
As reported in your recent issue, your present city health...
Everett P. Clark, Committee on Publication for the State of Washington,
In reply to a letter in a recent issue, please permit me...
Carrington Hening. Committee on Publication for the State of New Jersey,
The vicar of Bungalow Town Church has felt it his duty...
Miss Kate E. Andreae, Committee on Publication for Sussex, England,
"Alertness to Duty"
The Christian Science Board of Directors
Speedy Healing
Albert F. Gilmore
The Pattern in the Mount
Ella W. Hoag
Refuting False Testimony
Duncan Sinclair
More than five years ago I came to Christian Science,...
Ernestine Gabriel
I can never be grateful enough to God; to Christ Jesus,...
Noble S. Rhoda with contributions from Frances Shimer Rhoda
I am very grateful for Christian Science as given us by...
Mary Helen Burgess
I want to tell of a few of the things for which I am...
Ruth K. Taylor
All that I know of the permanency and omnipotence of...
Irma Weinrich Branigar
The wonderful change in one of my sisters first attracted...
Evelyn Madge Carless
Many beautiful experiences have come to me in past...
Clara L. Collins
There are no words with which to express adequately my...
Mary McIllhargey
I am grateful for a knowledge of Christian Science, and...
Leona May Onsen
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Channing H. Cox, A. Grant Evans