discoverer of Christian Science finds the path less difficult when she has the high goal always before her thoughts, than when she counts her footsteps in endeavoring to reach it.
a joy it is to give! What a deep and beautiful sense of love and gratitude may be expressed by gifts! If we, having still before us much of unfoldment, are able to give to one another in love, how much more then must God, who is infinite divine Love, be able to give to us of His abundance!
faithful few who doubted not the Master's wordWere waiting, hearts attuned, in one divine accord,To greet the promised one, the Comforter,When lo! it came with rushing wind and flaming tongues of fire,Inspiring each to heal and save by Truth's almighty power,To bring salvation sure to men,And carry on the work the Christ began.
William K. Primrose, Secretary to the District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
In reply to the letter of "Inquirer" in your recent issue, may I say that Christian Scientists obey the great commandment, "Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God is one Lord.
Everett P. Clark, Committee on Publication for the State of Washington,
As reported in your recent issue, your present city health officer and another doctor, both of whom addressed city club women at a meeting in the auditorium of your public library, expressed some concern over the election of a certain candidate for the office of commissioner of public safety because he is a Christian Scientist.
Carrington Hening. Committee on Publication for the State of New Jersey,
In reply to a letter in a recent issue, please permit me to say that my former communication, to which your critic makes reference, was written not with the idea of entering into a controversy, but simply to set your readers right respecting the teachings of Christian Science.
Miss Kate E. Andreae, Committee on Publication for Sussex, England,
The vicar of Bungalow Town Church has felt it his duty to warn his congregation against Christian Science, and, indeed, if Christian Science were what he believes it to be, he would be quite justified in doing so.
I am
so thankful, Lord of love, to knowThat ceaselessly Thy living waters flow;E'en though another find the fountain first,Or with a readier cup allay his thirst,Still on I press, rejoicingly, and knowThat for each one those living water flow.
the present time there is an evident need for all Christian Scientists to beware of giving assent or credence to any of the erroneous propaganda which clamors for their attention.
of the four Gospels can scarcely fail to recognize that with one or two exceptions the healings of sin and disease performed by Christ Jesus were immediate, instantaneous.
Noble S. Rhoda
with contributions from Frances Shimer Rhoda
I can never be grateful enough to God; to Christ Jesus, the Way-shower; to Mary Baker Eddy; and to Christian Science for all the physical, mental, financial, and business healings I have had through the application of the truth it reveals.
The wonderful change in one of my sisters first attracted my attention to Christian Science, and later on I began to read "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy for the sake of a friend, who was delicate and who was going to live far away from medical aid.
I might not have made the effort to gain a clear understanding of Christian Science had it not been for an unpleasant experience of an ingrown nail on the great toe of each foot.
Many beautiful experiences have come to me in past years; and one which took place about five years ago remains in memory as a definite demonstration of the ever-presence and power of the one God.
There are no words with which to express adequately my gratitude for Christian Science and the many healings, physical, mental, moral, and spiritual, received through the study and application of this blessed truth.
For many years I have been receiving and reading the Christian Science literature; and I have often been so wonderfully helped by the articles and testimonies that it is time for me to make grateful acknowledgment.
I am grateful for a knowledge of Christian Science, and for the Sunday school, where the children learn of this healing, protecting truth and how to apply it.
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