everyone may have had the happy experience of the person who said, "Hospitality I have found as universal as the face of man;" but that individual is rare whose heart has not been warmed by the friendly welcome of some cheerful household or wayside inn, for the practice of providing for the stranger, the sick or distressed, as well as for the friend, is as old as the race itself.
a certain issue of The Christian Science Monitor was an editorial regarding a play entitled "The Enemy," in which a child is depicted beating his drum vigorously, and lamenting that he has not a sword with which to kill the enemy.
portions of the Bible story of Jehoshaphat's deliverance from what seemed to be a powerful enemy are familiar to us, chief among them being God's message to him, "The battle is not yours, but God's.
Miss Madge Bell, Committe on Publication for North Island, New Zealand,
In order that your readers may be rightly informed on the subject, will you grant me space for some corrections of statements appearing in an article in a recent issue of the Herald?
Charles W. Hale, Committee on Publication for the State of Indiana,
Although advertised as "Lectures on Christian Science," the statements pertaining to that religion made by a clergyman as reported in your recent issues were not authentic.
Ralph W. Still, committee on Publication for the State of Texas,
In your report of a revivalist's sermon, in your recent issue, appears a reference to Christian Science that calls for correction; as, contrary to our critic's assertion, Christian Science definitely repudiates the belief that man can "be his own savior," teaching that it is only through the atonement of Christ that mankind is saved.
Louis Potts, Committee on Publication for Cheshire, England,
In your recent issue a brief statement is made to the effect that a lecture on Christian Science had been given by a clergyman at the Shepley Road Literary Society in which, according to your report, the speaker "showed the fallacy of the theory in relation to Biblical teaching.
deep and somber fastness of a woodA silent golden cataract of lightO'er crags of green and yellow foliage leaps,Nor bends its radiant courseTill in the troubled mirror of a poolIts molten splashes far across the fernsWake glimm'ring light,Like diamond dew amid the maidenhair.
the testimonies given at the Wednesday evening meetings in Christian Science churches and in those appearing in the Christian Science periodicals, gratitude is often expressed for the "spiritual uplift" even more than for the physical healing which has been experienced through the study and application of Mrs.
How often have these words of Isaiah brought consolation and peace to the weary and heavy-laden: "He giveth power the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength"! The very words themselves carry confidence with them and the power to renew faith; and with the renewal of faith there is a diminution of weakness and a proportionate increase in strength.
In order to expedite the handling of shipments of the Christian Science Quarterly, and insure prompt delivery to those sending orders, whether for single copies or quantities, the Publishing Society would appreciate the cooperation of the field in following the schedule outlined below, in so far as it is convenient to do so.
To insure that complete lecture notices be printed in the Sentinel, detailed information should reach the Editorial Department regarding lectures in the United States and Canada, at least four weeks before the date of the lecture; in Great Britain and Ireland, at least five weeks before; in other European countries, at least eight weeks before.
In an article in a recent Sentinel, the writer in speaking of the Bible, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" and the Manual by Mary Baker Eddy, says, "We have these precious books as our spiritual inheritance, the outward expression of the indefatigable love and effort of unselfish friends of mankind.
For many months prior to July, 1922, I was confined to my bed with heart disease and gall bladder trouble, and there seemed to be no response to the efforts made by the doctors to help me.
In grateful acknowledgment of the many benefits I have received from Christian Science during the past nine years, and with the hope that my testimony will help others, I wish to tell of my healing of eczema, during which experience a thought of truth was unfolded which has been of help to me many times since.
is at-one with good supreme!I know that Truth abides, that erring thoughtWill vanish as the fading of a dream;While all remains of that which God hath wrought.
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