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Rest and Strength
How often have these words of Isaiah brought consolation and peace to the weary and heavy-laden: "He giveth power the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength"! The very words themselves carry confidence with them and the power to renew faith; and with the renewal of faith there is a diminution of weakness and a proportionate increase in strength. Many a one has been helped in exactly that way by the profound prophetical utterances of the Old and New Testaments, which speak of God's protecting care.
Is there a law, then, governing rest and strength? Assuredly there is; but it is not a law of matter. Vain have been the attempts of men along material lines to induce rest and to bring back strength. The utmost, perhaps, they have been able to do in this direction is to stupefy for a time by means of a narcotic, thereby rendering the one in need of rest insensible to the difficulty, and leaving him to what is termed the recuperative power of nature! Such efforts must always be erratic and unreliable, because they do not take into account the most important factor of all, the spiritual condition of the patient.
Now it is with spiritual conditions Christian Science deals. Whatever the nature of the case, be it disease, sin, sorrow, need of rest, or lack of strength, Christian Science has one remedy, namely, true spiritual understanding, correct knowledge of God and His creation, including man. And this understanding goes back to the very fundamentals of Being. What are some of these fundamentals? First, that God is infinite Spirit; secondly, that man as the image of God is spiritual, not material, and that he reflects all the attributes of God, including rest and strength. These are absolute spiritual truths from which there can be no deviation.
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September 3, 1927 issue
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Faith in God
Our Country
Rejoicing, then Proof
The Father's Arms
The Kingdom of Heaven
God is Taking Care of All
An evangelist, as quoted in a recent issue of the Tribune,...
W. Truman Green, committee on Publication for the State of Florida,
In order that your readers may be rightly informed on...
Miss Madge Bell, Committe on Publication for North Island, New Zealand,
Although advertised as "Lectures on Christian Science,"...
Charles W. Hale, Committee on Publication for the State of Indiana,
In your report of a revivalist's sermon, in your recent...
Ralph W. Still, committee on Publication for the State of Texas,
In your recent issue a brief statement is made to the...
Louis Potts, Committee on Publication for Cheshire, England,
In your recent issue a doctor is quoted as implying that...
Kellogg Patton, Committee on Publication for the State of Wisconsin,
"Spiritual uplift"
Albert F. Gilmore
Christlike Humility
Ella W. Hoag
Rest and Strength
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from John H. Leppart, Agnes V. Isaacs, Kathleen Kennedy
Nearly thirty years ago I first heard of Christian Science
Clara E. Smith
In an article in a recent Sentinel, the writer in speaking...
Elizabeth McConnell
I came to the study of Christian Science about fourteen...
Eugenia P. McDaniel
Full of gratitude I wish to testify to my wonderful experience...
Laura Fischer-Lüscher
For many months prior to July, 1922, I was confined to...
Melville B. Kaufman
In gratitude for the many blessings and healings I have...
Elma G. Nyberg
I desire to testify to the healing I have received through...
M. Edna Whitten
When three months old I suffered from a distressing type...
William Krause
In grateful acknowledgment of the many benefits I have...
Winifred Kilburn
Love Waits to Glorify
Signs of the Times
with contributions from T. W. H. Inskip