"Be of good courage"

"Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord," is how the last verse of the thirty-first psalm runs. And many a one, weary and heavyladen, has read the words and felt the burden lighten even as he read them. For in Christian communities God is revered and trusted, often with a great reverence and a great trust, although by many He may be very imperfectly understood. And as the inspired word of the Bible is studied, courage is generated wherewith to meet life's trials; and the heart is strengthened, enabling the student to pursue with patience the way which his highest sense of right reveals.

Courage, moral courage, is greatly needed in the world to-day. Not that it has not always been a requisite in righteous living, but to-day it is especially necessary because of the fact that never before has there been a greater understanding of the Principle of good whereby to challenge the machinations of evil and to destroy them. This is due to Christian Science. In her writings Mrs. Eddy states this Principle so plainly that all who desire may understand it. Therein she shows divine Principle to be God, infinite good; and with this truth before her she completely exposes the fallacy of evil, reducing it to nothing.

In revealing God as infinite good and evil as unreal, Mrs. Eddy has given to mankind the secret of moral courage. This must be so. What else could follow from the knowledge that good is infinite, and that good alone has power? To the one who is convinced of these truths through demonstration,—to the one, that is, who is convinced of these truths because he has proved them to be true by destroying the belief of evil in some form or other, perhaps of sickness or sin,—there comes an abiding courage, a courage which grows more confident, more stable, with every added proof of the power of good over the illusion of evil. There is not a single Christian Scientist—and a Christian Scientist is one with some understanding of Principle's allness and of the unreality of evil— who will say that his moral courage has not grown proportionably with his spiritual understanding.

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June 4, 1927

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