A short time after beginning the study of Christian Science...

A short time after beginning the study of Christian Science I was freed from nervous headaches from which I had suffered frequently for a long time, from eczema on the arms, and from chilblains, without any specific work being done for the complaints. I was healed instantaneously by absent treatment of bad colds and a severe case of tonsillitis. Through the kind help of a loving practitioner a sense of deep sorrow in connection with a dear relative, and a sense of depression caused by a feeling of loneliness, have been overcome.

For some years my mother and I seemed to have financial difficulties to meet; but I must gratefully confess that through acknowledging God's omnipotence we have again and again been able to realize the truth that God can provide a table in the wilderness, and that "man's extremity is God's opportunity;" and we have always felt God's sustaining power. For instance, during the time when German currency was inflated and trade was bad, it was almost impossible for an inexperienced person to get a position. Through the faithful work of a practitioner I was offered a position within a few days. I had another very gratifying experience of God's help in time of need. Quite unexpectedly, and at very short notice, we were obliged to move. As there was a scarcity of apartments fear assailed me for a moment, for there seemed to be no way out of the difficulty. Besides this, it seemed such a loss to us, because we were so happy and contented where we were.

I soon realized, however, that God takes care of His children, that in our Father's house "are many mansions," that there was a place for us, too, and if we were to make a change, it could only be one for the better, since God wills only what is good for us. With these comforting thoughts I fell asleep, and the next morning the problem was most satisfactorily solved. Some people who lived in the same house and who had heard of our trouble, but whom we did not know, offered us some very nice rooms, which were really a change for the better.

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Testimony of Healing
Over five years ago Christian Science came into my life...
June 4, 1927

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