When I was a small child my parents turned to Christian Science...

When I was a small child my parents turned to Christian Science for healing. From that time we have relied entirely upon Christian Science in our home, and have found that the application of its rules has met our every need.

I realize now, more than I did at the time, how helpful this understanding was to me during my school days, and how I was protected and guided through many trying experiences. The practicability of Truth has been proved, too, in the business world; and now in the home there are opportunities to apply it daily.

It would be difficult to enumerate all the benefits I have received; but I wish to express gratitude for the healing of neuritis, varioloid, a severe case of typhoid fever, sick headaches, pleuro-pneumonia, a weak back, and extreme nervousness and timidity. I am thankful for a better manifestation of general health. It was brought to my attention some years ago that I should not only feel well but should express health —for I had up to that time looked frail. When I was awakened to this and claimed my dominion as God's child, I found that I did express more freedom in every way, and that I looked perfectly well.

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Testimony of Healing
For over twenty-five years Christian Science has been...
March 5, 1927

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