Christmas season brings with it the spirit of rejoicing.
Scriptures tell us concerning the nativity of Jesus the Christ that after he was born he was cradled in a manger.
has revealed to its students that God is infinite, immeasurable, all-knowing, ever present, all-governing and omnipotent Mind, and that this Mind is the source, basis, origin, and cause of all true or real existence.
us rejoice at this Christmas season because we know that the Christ, Truth, which Jesus lived to teach and demonstrate, is ever present, each and every day of the year, and that Christian Scientists can give of this healing truth hourly, daily, continually, wherever they may be, by reflecting the God-given qualities of kindness, charity, generosity, tolerance, gentleness, honesty, patience—in fact every quality that rightfully belongs to man as God's perfect image and likeness.
the eleventh chapter of John we are told that Lazarus fell ill, and his sisters, Mary and Martha, sent word unto Jesus saying, "He whom thou lovest is sick.
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