season approaches when, in accordance with a longestablished and respected custom, a day is set apart to give thanks to Almighty God for the manifold blessings which His gracious and benevolent providence has bestowed upon us as a nation and as individuals.
I gained the sense of thankfulnessI never knew the riches that were mine;Not having learned the secret of content,My life, so dull, seemed hardly worth the while;The friends I had seemed only friends in name—I was a stranger to my very own.
the sincere Christian Scientist who is earnestly striving to overcome every phase of error, whose desire is to understand God and man's relationship to Him, there come many encouraging promises from the Bible, but none more inspiring than these words of <a class="tome-reference"
is desirable to follow those admonitions regarding to-day which tend to righteousness; for each day's work is truly successful proportionately as it is imbued with the divine attributes of honesty, justice, wisdom, and love.
great message to Timothy, "God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind," states unmistakably the falsity of fear, and expresses the truth of God's bestowal of love, strength, and spiritual understanding.
William Brandt, Committee on Publication for the State of Maryland,
In a recent issue of your paper there is a misleading statement that should be corrected, else Christian Science will be confused with another system which is entirely foreign to Christian Science.
Hugh Stuart Campbell, Committee on Publication for the State of Illinois
While doubtless intending to be fair, you reported in a recent issue, under the announcement, "Plymouth Baptist Church," that an "appreciative audience listened to an exposure of Christian Science.
Hugh S. Hughes, Committee on Publication for the State of Wisconsin,
In your recent issues, under the caption, "Personal Health Service," by William Brady, were two references to Mary Baker Eddy, Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, a religion now taught and practiced in every part of the civilized world, whose followers comprise the best class of citizens.
Frank Savage, Committee on Publication for Nottinghamshire, England,
Your able leader in an issue of the Evening News, reviewing the antipathy of doctors of the British Medical Association to curative systems which are not orthodox and in accordance with their own inclinations, alludes covertly to Christian Science, which has to-day in support of its efficacy as a remedial agent facts before which human opinion or misrepresentation are of no importance.
Miss Florence B. Russell, Committee on Publication for Hampshire, England, in the Mercury, Ventnor, Isle of Wight
A vicar, as reported in your paper, after dwelling on the evils which he believes will overwhelm our nation, says, "Let a true Bible religion and faith prevail, then England and the Empire would still be safe.
student of the New Testment must needs be impressed with the frequency with which Jesus withdrew from the crowd, sometimes even from the immediate society of his disciples, to commune with God, and thereby to refresh himself at the infinite fountain of divine inspiration.
It has been brought to our attention that in certain branch churches and societies there is a need of Christian Science literature for use in connection with distribution activities.
To insure that complete lecture notices be printed in the Sentinel, detailed information should reach the Editorial Department regarding lectures in the United States and Canada, four weeks before the date of the lecture; in Great Britain and Ireland, five weeks before; in other European countries, six weeks before.
Gay Austin Weyburn
with contributions from Earnest Gordon Weyburn
I have so often been helped by the testimonies of others that I feel I should no longer delay expressing my deep gratitude, through our periodicals, for all the good that has come to me through the study and application of Christian Science.
After consulting various physicians during a period of three years, I decided to try Christian Science treatment for three months to see if I could be relieved of constant pain in my right arm and wrist, which the doctors said was caused by neuritis.
For a long time I have delayed offering a written testimony of my gratitude for Christian Science because it has seemed difficult to select from a vast number the proper experiences for a brief statement.
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