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Demonstration versus Riddance
All the world would like to be rid of evil effects. Any one who thought he could really desire sickness and suffering, want and woe, would be considered by all as totally abnormal in his imaginations. He would be looked upon as an anomaly in the human status of men and things. From the beginning of time men have, therefore, sought for ways whereby evil results could be annulled, thinking they might thus be delivered from all torment. In spite of the fact that the Bible has always taught that "whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap," men have still believed they could be freed from ill effects, regardless of what might have been their cause. It is from this standpoint that both sin and sickness have been dealt with for almost countless centuries.
In line with Bible teaching, Christian Science has come completely reversing this practice. Instead of dealing with effects it always goes directly to cause, and correcting the mistaken cause, the unpleasant effect is made impossible. Thus Christian Science stops looking merely for riddance from evil, but instead demands demonstration of good. In place of attempting to overcome evil results alone, it teaches the necessity at all times of going to the root of the difficulty and obliterating that which is responsible for the wrong effect.
Now all this is very well known to the student of Christian Science, and if he were asked if he accepted the requirement of dealing with cause rather than effect, he would undoubtedly reply with a very positive affirmative. It is one thing, however, to accept a proposition as correct and quite another to prove it so. The Christian Scientist knows that many an effort is necessary before he becomes immovably fixed on the ground of demonstrating good instead of merely trying to rid himself of unsatisfactory effects. He finds he must constantly be on guard lest he be betrayed into seeking freedom from discomfort in place of working for the exalted purpose of proving the allness of God, good, and his own unity therewith. To do this there must always be the willingness to turn the searchlight of Truth upon his heart's innermost intents, in order that every evil cause shall be discovered and eliminated, and consequent deliverance from evil effects result in the only right way.
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September 22, 1923 issue
View Issue-
Equal Rights
Preaching and Practice
White-winged Messengers
The Effect of God's Government
Seeking and Finding
Church and Church Membership
Great Possessions
The Christian Scientist does not imagine he is sick, and...
Harry L. Rhodes, Committee on Publication for the State of Kansas,
The United States statistics alone for 1920 show two...
S. Britton R. Foster, Committee on Publication for the Province of Ontario, Canada,
Christian Science maintains that the works of Jesus are...
Lester B. McCoun, Committee on Publication for the State of Nebraska,
Christian Science teaches that "all is infinite Mind and...
Charles M. Shaw, Committee on Publication for Lancashire, England,
Letters from the Field
with contributions from Robert S. Ross, G. M. Giffen, Frank W. Gale
with contributions from The Christian Science Board of Directors
Albert F. Gilmore
Demonstration versus Riddance
Ella W. Hoag
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Andrew J. Graham, Vivian Borneman
Four years ago, when I was searching for a practical...
Agnes MacMillan
I have found the testimonies in the Sentinel a sufficient...
Almon Ray Smith
In December, 1921, my middle toe became infected from...
George Brewster
I desire to express my gratitude for the many blessings...
Solomon Wilkinson
An earnest prayer for constant spiritual growth and an...
John Ralph Griffith with contributions from Anna Griffith
About three years ago, I contracted an infection which...
William Sharpe Johnson
Words cannot express my gratitude for Christian Science
Elizabeth M. Parkin
A Prayer
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Clarence Reed, C. C. Harcourt, James Reid, Heber Dwight Ketcham