Permit me to explain that Mary Baker Eddy in the...


Permit me to explain that Mary Baker Eddy in the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and in all her other writings, teaches the exact opposite of pantheism. So important did she consider right teaching on this subject, that in June, 1898, her Message to The Mother Church was a sermon entitled "Christian Science versus Pantheism." This message, which occupies fifteen pages of her book, "Christian Healing and Other Writings," goes into a detailed examination and repudiation of pantheism and other non-Christian philosophies. To sustain our point we need only offer the following quotations from page 8 of this message: "Christianity, as taught and demonstrated in the first century by our great Master, virtually annulled the so-called laws of matter, idolatry, pantheism, and polytheism. Christianity then had one God and one law, namely, divine Science." Farther on she says: "Christianity, as he taught and demonstrated it, must ever rest on the basis of the First Commandment and love for man. The doctrines that embrace pantheism, polytheism, and paganism are admixtures of matter and Spirit, truth and error, sickness and sin, life and death. They make man the servant of matter, living by reason of it, suffering because of it, and dying in consequence of it."

The correct form of the quotation from page 113 of the Christian Science textbook is as follows:—

"1. God is All-in-all.
"2. God is good. Good is Mind.
"3. God, Spirit, being all, nothing is matter.
"4. Life, God, omnipotent good, deny death, evil, sin, disease. — Disease, sin, evil, death, deny good, omnipotent God, Life."

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May 5, 1923

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