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Feeling the pinch of hard times, which prevailed generally...
Feeling the pinch of hard times, which prevailed generally in the West, I left my home to earn a few dollars. I arrived at a tie camp on January 10, and had worked there a month when I cut a small gash above my knee. Although first aid was rendered by the camp clerk, I developed a septic knee, and a bad one too. I was taken to the hospital, and my knee was operated upon. Shortly afterwards I contracted influenza, and later pleurisy; and as I lay in pain, the doctor came to me one day and asked me if I knew I was a very sick man. I replied that I had not realized it. He then asked me my wife's address, and sent her a telegram saying that I had septic pneumonia, that my conditions were unfavorable, and to come at once.
My brother, who is a Christian Scientist, though I was not and knew very little about it, had written to a practitioner in the city, and she arrived at my bedside in the afternoon, when I was at the very worst. I could not draw a quarter of a breath without pain. Her stay was short and her words few; but I was thirsty for God's healing power and drank in the truth freely, with the result that at eleven o'clock that night every pain left me. I fell asleep shortly after, sleeping soundly until morning. When the doctor came at noon I was sitting up eating my dinner; and you cannot imagine his surprise to see the great change in me. I asked him if I could get up, but he flatly refused, saying that my temperature was too high and I must keep quiet, as my blood was streptococcic. At the next visit of the practitioner I informed her of the doctor's refusal to let me up; and the following day my temperature went down. Seeing this change, the doctor allowed me to get up, and my recovery was rapid. About ten days later the leg ceased to discharge. I gained three pounds a week in weight. I had lost thirty-five pounds while in bed.
I should feel guilty before God if I did not testify to His loving-kindness to me; and I sincerely hope that many more may be brought to know of His love through Christian Science and the untiring efforts of the faithful practitioners.
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May 5, 1923 issue
View Issue-
Why, and How
The Lesson of Trials
"Wholesome chastisements"
"The labourer is worthy of his hire"
A Prayer
An editorial recently published in your paper gives a review...
George C. Palmer, Committee on Publication for the Province of Saskatchewan, Canada,
Permit me to explain that Mary Baker Eddy in the...
Willard J. Welch, Committee on Publication for the State of Iowa,
The human mind has ever set itself against Christ
Lester B. McCoun, Committee on Publication for the State of Nebraska,
As Mind is infinite Spirit, the true senses of man must be...
Miss Blanche Stievenard, Committee on Publication for Hertfordshire, England,
There surely can be no danger in the method of healing...
Theodore Burkhart, Committee on Publication for the State of Oregon,
The Poor Wise Man
Spiritual Refreshment
Albert F. Gilmore
"In the paths of righteousness"
Ella W. Hoag
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from John C. Lathrop, Percy C. Copeland
I had given up all hope, as I was suffering from Menière's...
Philip B. Osborn
In gratitude to God and to Mrs. Eddy I desire to submit...
Margaretta M. Wenrich
I am glad of the opportunity to bear witness to the healing...
Robert H. Blaisdell
Gratitude will no longer allow me to remain silent
Lizzie N. Moseley
It is with deep gratitude that I send my testimony of...
Charley Lucus Gwinn
Although I was very much in need of physical healing...
Howard M. High
My first healing took place about twelve years ago, while...
Elsie Eichhorn
Christian Science has taught me how to pray, so that sin...
Agnes O. Smith
It is with loving gratitude for the many, many blessings...
Norma Ethel Evans
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Charles Brown, Robert Armstrong Jones