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The Post of Duty
Men are investigating the Bible teachings more than ever before in the world's history, and it is particularly interesting to consider what these teachings have to tell as to our duty to God. An incident which throws much light on the subject may be found in the fifth chapter of Acts, where we read that Peter and other disciples had been cast into prison for preaching and healing, for doing their duty to their fellow-men as Christ Jesus had commanded them to do. When brought before the high priest and asked why they had done this thing, they answered, "We ought to obey God rather than men. ... And we are his witnesses of these things." They did not question as to where their duty lay, or what, if any, were the rules and regulations which might circumscribe that duty. Their business was to obey God; and they stood firmly at their post, preaching His Word to the multitude, and healing the sick and the sinning. It did not concern them that the prison apparently stood between them and the doing of their duty. They had received their orders; and they obeyed. What was the result of their obedience? The decree of the priest was set aside; the angel of the Lord opened the prison doors, and they came forth unmolested to do as God had commanded them, the healed and the redeemed bearing witness to the truth they taught and demonstrated.
Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer of the Science of Christianity and the Founder of the religion of Christian Science, has given in the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," a fuller significance to many words in common use in the English language; and her writings abound with explanations of man's duty to his Maker. On page 496 of the textbook she writes, "You will learn that in Christian Science the first duty is to obey God, to have one Mind, and to love another as yourself." Here, then, is the key to the deeper meaning of the word "duty" and the method by which, standing at our post obeying God first, we may serve God as well as our neighbor, whether that neighbor be employer, friend, or member of our own household.
But, some one may ask, what has obeying God and standing at the post of duty to do with the activities of daily business or social life? Christian Science answers, Everything. Even a person entering the business world realizes that from the moment he accepts a position, his duty is to his employer, and that his time and efforts must be directed toward rendering the most efficient service of which he is capable. During his hours of service no time may be reserved for personal pursuits; nor is his opinion sought as to whether the rules of the organization or the methods of his employer are to his liking. He has accepted the position as it has been defined to him; and in order that he may receive just compensation for his work, he must serve at his post of duty joyfully and honestly. Surely we should render our services to God with yet greater loyalty. Not only during the working day, but constantly, should we hold our positions as loyal sentinels, always ready, alert, and willing to do our Father's will, whatever its commands may be, and in spite of whatever obstacle may seem to interfere. Not afraid of the lions, the prison bars, or the fiery furnaces of material sense, but looking to God for help and strength, knowing that He will remove all the obstructions of error, we can remain at our posts, rendering to our Father the homage due Him, and performing the work He gives us. In Science and Health (p. 67) Mrs. Eddy states, "Acting up to his highest understanding, firm at the post of duty, the mariner works on and awaits the issue."
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January 6, 1923 issue
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Succeeding Years
Believe God's Prophets!
The Sense of Hearing—Attention
The Post of Duty
An Incident
The ever increasing interest in Christian Science is due...
Stanley M. Sydenham, Committee on Publication for Yorkshire, England,
Please permit me to say a few words in your columns...
Augustus Long, Committee on Publication for the State of Nevada,
A critic, in a recent issue of your paper, said that Christian Science...
Thomas E. Davidson, Committee on Publication for Northumberland Country, England,
While Christian Science does expose the illusionary nature...
Theodore Burkhart, Committee on Publication for the State of Oregon,
Christ Jesus never recommended any "temporal means...
Harry L. Rhodes, Committee on Publication for the State of Kansas,
Any one who is familiar with the teaching and practice...
Arthur P. DeCamp, Committee on Publication for the State of Missouri,
A careful study of the Christian Science textbook...
Frank W. Reed, Committee on Publication for the State of Idaho,
Christian Science teaches that Christ is the Son of God...
Mrs. H. J. Jewson, Committee on Publication for Norfolk County, England,
Christian Scientists do not "cry to the ends of the earth,...
Harry K. Filler, Committee on Publication for the State of Ohio,
Christian Ethics
Albert F. Gilmore
Continuity of Existence
Duncan Sinclair
The Need of Forgiveness
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Hermann S. Hering, Charles Pique
Before becoming interested in Christian Science, I had...
Hortense Goldstein
I took up the study of Christian Science about six years...
Irene Oppenheim
About twenty years ago I found the greatest blessing of...
Cornelia Henny
When Christian Science was brought to my attention...
George Wilkins Shuff
When a child, I fell from a horse and injured the end of...
Julia Vivian Brown
I feel very grateful to God for the many proofs of His...
Emma C. Staley
I should like the world to know what Christian Science...
Addison M. Carr
The Better Way
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Effie MacGregor